Performance evaluation of position-sensitive silicon detectors with four-corner readout
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We report on a recently developed large-area position-sensitive silicon detector type with four-corner readout. It consists of a square-shaped ion-implanted resistive anode framed by additional low-resistivity strips with resistances smaller than the anode surface resistance by a factor of two. The detector-position linearity, position resolution and energy resolution were measured with -particles and accelerated heavy ions. In-beam experimental results reveal a position resolution below 1 mm (FWHM) and a very good non-linearity of less than 1% (rms). The energy resolution determined from 228Th alpha source measurements corresponding to an alpha line energy of 6778 keV is 155 and 68 keV (FWHM) for detectors with geometric areas of 62 mm62 mm and 20 mm20 mm, respectively.