Research, Education and Outreach Programs to Manage and Protect Water Resources Throughout Texas
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Texas is faced with a number of water resources challenges. Much of the State is located in areas that typically receive little rainfall plus mining of the Ogallala Aquifer. Increased population and urban and industrial growth throughout Texas are generating higher demands for water. There are opportunities to provide incentives for optimal allocation of water within a local, regional and state water planning perspective. At the same time, Texas is facing several water quality concerns, including the need to develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) and/or Watershed Protection Plans (WPPs) to prevent pollution from contamination sources. Other compelling water resources issues include improving water management technologies and capabilities and operations strategies. Research is also being conducted to assess water resources needs for the environment. The purpose of this project is to engage faculty, graduate students and cooperating entities to help address and aid in the solution of vitally important water resources issues that Texas faces. University scientists and graduate students offer a major resource and innovative ideas in addressing water related alternatives. Additionally, Land Grant universities like Texas A&M and institutions as the TWRI, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service can play a key role in conducting research broadly providing solutions and associated outreach and communication to all stakeholders.TWRI plays a pivotal role in fostering needed interactions among higher education, public agencies and the private sector by educating current and future leaders, developing better water resources science, evaluating the economic viability of alternative strategies and identifying opportunities for beneficial institutional change.