selected publications academicarticle Anshelevich, M., & Mashburn, J. (2024). Some Fock spaces with depth two action. Canadian Journal of Mathematics. 1-29. Anshelevich, M., & Pritchett, A. (2023). The Concentration of the Product of Exponentials Around the Exponential of the Sum. American Mathematical Monthly. 130(6), 503-514. Anshelevich, M. (2020). Product Formulas on Posets, Wick Products, and a Correction for the q-Poisson Process. INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL. 69(6), 2129-2169. Anshelevich, M., & Wang, Z. (2020). Higher variations for free Levy processes. Studia Mathematica. 252(1), 49-81. Anshelevich, M., & Williams, J. D. (2018). Operator-valued Jacobi parameters and examples of operator-valued distributions. Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques. 145, 1-37. Anshelevich, M., & Arizmendi, O. (2017). The Exponential Map in Non-commutative Probability. International mathematics research notices. 2017(17), 5302-5342. Anshelevich, M. (2016). A characterization of ultraspherical, Hermite, and Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. Integral Transforms and Special Functions. 27(4), 307-317. Anshelevich, M., & Williams, J. D. (2016). OPERATOR-VALUED MONOTONE CONVOLUTION SEMIGROUPS AND AN EXTENSION OF THE BERCOVICI-PATA BIJECTION. DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA. 21(2016), 841-872. Anshelevich, M. (2015). FREE EVOLUTION ON ALGEBRAS WITH TWO STATES, II. PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. 276(2), 257-280. Anshelevich, M., Wang, J., & Zhong, P. (2014). Local limit theorems for multiplicative free convolutions. Journal of Functional Analysis. 267(9), 3469-3499. Anshelevich, M., & Williams, J. D. (2014). Limit Theorems for Monotonic Convolution and the Chernoff Product Formula. International mathematics research notices. 2014(11), 2990-3021. Anshelevich, M. (2013). Generators of some non-commutative stochastic processes. Probability theory and related fields. 157(3-4), 777-815. Anshelevich, M., Belinschi, S. T., Fevrier, M., & Nica, A. (2013). CONVOLUTION POWERS IN THE OPERATOR-VALUED FRAMEWORK. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 365(4), 2063-2097. Anshelevich, M., & Mlotkowski, W. (2012). Semigroups of Distributions with Linear Jacobi Parameters. Journal of Theoretical Probability. 25(4), 1173-1206. Anshelevich, M., & Sengupta, A. N. (2012). Quantum free Yang-Mills on the plane. Journal of Geometry and Physics. 62(2), 330-343. Anshelevich, M. (2011). Two-state free Brownian motions. Journal of Functional Analysis. 260(2), 541-565. Anshelevich, M. (2011). Bochner-Pearson-type characterization of the free Meixner class. Advances in Applied Mathematics. 46(1-4), 25-45. Anshelevich, M., Belinschi, S. T., Bozejko, M., & Lehner, F. (2010). FREE INFINITE DIVISIBILITY FOR q-GAUSSIANS. Mathematical Research Letters. 17(5), 905-916. Anshelevich, M. (2010). Free evolution on algebras with two states. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 638(638), 75-101. Anshelevich, M. (2009). APPELL POLYNOMIALS AND THEIR RELATIVES III. CONDITIONALLY FREE THEORY. Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 53(1), 39-66. Anshelevich, M. (2009). Appell Polynomials and Their Relatives II. Boolean Theory. INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL. 58(2), 929-968. Anshelevich, M. (2008). Orthogonal polynomials with a resolvent-type generating function. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 360(8), 4125-4143. Anshelevich, M. (2008). Monic non-commutative orthogonal polynomials. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 136(7), 2395-2405. Anshelevich, M. (2007). Free Meixner states. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 276(3), 863-899. Anshelevich, M., Effros, E. G., & Popa, M. (2006). Zimmermann type cancellation in the free Faa di Bruno algebra. Journal of Functional Analysis. 237(1), 76-104. Anshelevich, M. (2005). Linearization coefficients for orthogonal polynomials using stochastic processes. Annals of Probability. 33(1), 114-136. Anshelevich, M. (2004). Appell polynomials and their relatives. International mathematics research notices. 2004(65), 3469-3531. Anshelevich, M. (2004). q-Levy processes. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 576(576), 181-207. Anshelevich, M. (2003). Free martingale polynomials. Journal of Functional Analysis. 201(1), 228-261. Anshelevich, M. (2002). Free stochastic measures via noncrossing partitions II. PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. 207(1), 13-30. Anshelevich, M. (2002). Ito formula for free stochastic integrals. Journal of Functional Analysis. 188(1), 292-315. Anshelevich, M. (2001). Partition-dependent stochastic measures and $q$-deformed cumulants. Documenta Mathematica. 6, 343-384. Anshelevich, M. (2000). Free stochastic measures via noncrossing partitions. Advances in Mathematics. 155(1), 154-179. Anshelevich, M. (1999). The linearization of the central limit operator in free probability theory. Probability theory and related fields. 115(3), 401-416. conference paper Anshelevich, M. (2010). Product-type non-commutative polynomial states. Banach Center Publications. 45-59. institutional repository document Anshelevich, M., & Buzinski, D. (2022). Hermite trace polynomials and chaos decompositions for the Hermitian Brownian motion Anshelevich, M., & Mashburn, J. (2022). Fock representation of free convolution powers Anshelevich, M., & Pritchett, A. (2022). Product of exponentials concentrates around the exponential of the sum Anshelevich, M., & Mashburn, J. (2021). Some Fock spaces with depth two action Anshelevich, M., Gaikema, M., Hansalik, M., He, S., & Mehlhop, N. (2017). Expansion of permutations as products of transpositions Anshelevich, M., & Arizmendi, O. (2016). The exponential map in non-commutative probability Anshelevich, M., & Williams, J. D. (2014). Operator-Valued Monotone Convolution Semigroups and an Extension of the Bercovici-Pata Bijection Anshelevich, M., & Williams, J. D. (2014). Operator-valued Jacobi parameters and examples of operator-valued distributions Anshelevich, M., Wang, J., & Zhong, P. (2013). Local limit theorems for multiplicative free convolutions Anshelevich, M., & Williams, J. D. (2012). Limit theorems for monotonic convolution and the Chernoff product formula Anshelevich, M. (2012). Free evolution on algebras with two states II Anshelevich, M. (2011). A characterization of ultraspherical, Hermite, and Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind Anshelevich, M., Belinschi, S. T., Fevrier, M., & Nica, A. (2011). Convolution powers in the operator-valued framework Anshelevich, M., & Sengupta, A. N. (2011). Quantum Free Yang-Mills on the Plane Anshelevich, M. (2011). Generators of some non-commutative stochastic processes Anshelevich, M. (2010). Two-state free Brownian motions Anshelevich, M., & Motkowski, W. (2010). The free Meixner class for pairs of measures Anshelevich, M., Belinschi, S. T., Bozejko, M., & Lehner, F. (2010). Free Infinite Divisibility for Q-Gaussians Anshelevich, M., & Motkowski, W. (2010). Semigroups of distributions with linear Jacobi parameters Anshelevich, M. (2009). Bochner-Pearson-type characterization of the free Meixner class Anshelevich, M. (2008). Product-type non-commutative polynomial states Anshelevich, M. (2008). Appell polynomials and their relatives III. Conditionally free theory Anshelevich, M. (2008). Free evolution on algebras with two states Anshelevich, M. (2007). Appell polynomials and their relatives II. Boolean theory Anshelevich, M. (2007). Free Meixner states Anshelevich, M. (2007). Monic non-commutative orthogonal polynomials Anshelevich, M., Effros, E. G., & Popa, M. (2005). Zimmermann Type Cancellation in the Free Faa di Bruno Algebra Anshelevich, M. (2004). Orthogonal polynomials with a resolvent-type generating function Anshelevich, M. (2003). Appell polynomials and their relatives Anshelevich, M. (2003). q-Levy processes Anshelevich, M. (2003). Linearization coefficients for orthogonal polynomials using stochastic processes Anshelevich, M. (2001). Free martingale polynomials Anshelevich, M. (2001). Free stochastic measures via noncrossing partitions II Anshelevich, M. (2001). Ito formula for free stochastic integrals Anshelevich, M. (1999). Free stochastic measures via noncrossing partitions Anshelevich, M. (1998). The linearization of the central limit operator in free probability theory
principal investigator on NSF-Free Probability, Polynomial Families, and Applications awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2012 - 2016
co-principal investigator on Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium 2019- awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2019 - 2020
teaching activities MATH152 Engineering Math Ii Instructor MATH172 Hnr-calculus Instructor MATH220 Foundations Of Math Instructor MATH300 Foundations Of Math Instructor MATH311 Top In Applied Math I Instructor MATH323 Hnr-linear Algebra Instructor MATH409 Hnr-advanced Calculus I Instructor MATH446 Principles Of Analysis I Instructor MATH447 Princ Of Analysis Ii Instructor MATH491 Hnr-research Instructor MATH606 Theory Of Prob I Instructor MATH607 Real Variables I Instructor MATH608 Real Variables Ii Instructor MATH615 Intro Classical Analysis Instructor MATH685 Directed Studies Instructor MATH689 Sptp:random Matrice Ii Instructor MATH691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Wang, Zhichao (2018-04). Convergence of the Powers of Free Triangular Arrays to Higher Variations of Free Levy Processes.
education and training Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley - (Berkeley, California, United States) 2000 M.A. in Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley - (Berkeley, California, United States) 1997 B.S. in Mathematics, California Institute of Technology - (Pasadena, California, United States) 1994
awards and honors Collaboration Grants for Mathematicians, conferred by Simons Foundation - (New York, New York, United States), 2017