selected publications academicarticle Tabaar, M. A., Huang, R., Chandra, K., Finkel, E., Nielsen, R. A., Revkin, M. R., Vogt, M., & Wood, E. J. (2023). How Religious Are "Religious" Conflicts?. International Studies Review. 25(3), viad029. Acosta, B., Huang, R., & Silverman, D. (2023). Introducing ROLE: A database of rebel leader attributes in armed conflict. Journal of Peace Research. 60(2), 352-361. Loyle, C. E., Cunningham, K. G., Huang, R., & Jung, D. F. (2023). New Directions in Rebel Governance Research. Perspectives on Politics. 21(1), 264-276. Silverman, D., Acosta, B., & Huang, R. (2023). Rebel Leader Age and the Outcomes of Civil Wars. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 002200272311692-002200272311692. Loyle, C. E., Braithwaite, J. M., Cunningham, K. G., Huang, R., Huddleston, R. J., Jung, D. F., & Rubin, M. A. (2022). Revolt and Rule: Learning about Governance from Rebel Groups. International Studies Review. 24(4), viac043. Huang, R., Silverman, D., & Acosta, B. (2022). Friends in the Profession: Rebel Leaders, International Social Networks, and External Support for Rebellion. International Studies Quarterly. 66(1), sqab085. Huang, R., & Sullivan, P. L. (2021). Arms for education? External support and rebel social services. Journal of Peace Research. 58(4), 794-808. Huang, R., & Tabaar, M. A. (2021). We Are All Coethnics: State Identities and Foreign Interventions in Violent Conflict. Journal of Global Security Studies. 6(3), ogaa047. Cunningham, K. G., Huang, R., & Sawyer, K. M. (2021). Voting for Militants: Rebel Elections in Civil War. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 65(1), 81-107. Huang, R. (2019). Religious Instrumentalism in Violent Conflict. Ethnopolitics. 1-12. Huang, R. (2016). Rebel Diplomacy in Civil War. 40(4), 89-+. Huang, R. (2015). Review of Crocker, Chester A.; Hampson, Fen Osler; Aall, Pamela R.; eds., Managing Conflict in a World Adrift. H-Net Reviews. Fortna, V. P., & Huang, R. (2012). Democratization after Civil War: A Brush-Clearing Exercise. 56(4), 801-808. Fortna, V. P., & Huang, R. (2009). Democratization after Civil War Huang, R., & Harris, J. (2006). The Nuts and Bolts of Post-Conflict Capacity Building: Practicable Lessons from East Timor. Journal of Peacebuilding and Development. 2(3), 78-92. Gunn, G. C., & Huang, R. (2004). Reconciliation as State-Building in East Timor. Lusotopie. 11(11), 19-38. book Huang, R. (2016). The Wartime Origins of Democratization: Civil War, Rebel Governance, and Political Regimes. Cambridge University Press. Gunn, G. C., & Huang, R. (2006). New Nation United Nations Peace-building in East Timor dataset Akinaga Huang, R. Rebel Governance Dataset (1950-2006)
editor of book Hurwitz, A. G., & Huang, R. (2008). Civil war and the rule of law security, development, human rights Hurwitz, A., & Huang, R. (Eds.), Lynne Rienner Pub. chapter Huang, R. (2008). Counterterrorism and the Rule of Law Lynne Rienner Pub. 261-284.
teaching activities INTA647 State Bldg & Fail Dev World Instructor INTA648 Contemporary Civil Wars Instructor INTA659 Transnational Sec Issues Instructor INTA670 Intl Affairs Capstne Sem Instructor INTA685 Directed Studies Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Political Science, Columbia University - (New York, New York, United States) 2012 M.P.A., Princeton University - (Princeton, New Jersey, United States) 2004 B.A. in Government and Economics, Cornell University - (Ithaca, New York, United States) 2001
awards and honors Association of Former Students College-Level Teaching Distinguished Achievement Award, The, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2019
mailing address Texas A&M University International Affairs 4220 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4220 USA