Factors Affecting Faculty Perceptions of Technologically Mediated Instruction: Competency, Value, and Educational Technology Support uri icon


  • [A survey of all teaching faculty members in the college of agriculture at a land grant university was conducted to describe their perceptions regarding their competence in using distance education technologies, the value they place on using distance education technology in teaching, and the level of information technology and support they believe exists in the college. Faculty members lacked confidence in their ability to use technology in their teaching, they perceived that technology is a valuable addition to the teaching and learning environment, and they believed the overall level of support for the use of technology in teaching is low. Tenure status and academic rank/position for tenure-track faculty were inversely related to overall distance education scores. Non-tenured Assistant Professors had the highest overall distance education scores and the highest competency scores.]

published proceedings

  • NACTA Journal

author list (cited authors)

  • Lindner, J. R., Murphy, T. H., & Dooley, K. E.

complete list of authors

  • Lindner, JR||Murphy, TH||Dooley, KE

publication date

  • January 2002