Linear Vibration Analysis of Shells Using a Seven-Parameter Spectral/hp Finite Element Model uri icon


  • In this paper, a seven-parameter spectral/hp finite element model to obtain natural frequencies in shell type structures is presented. This model accounts for constant and variable thickness of shell structures. The finite element model is based on a Higher-order Shear Deformation Theory, and the equations of motion are obtained by means of Hamiltons principle. Analysis is performed for isotropic linear elastic shells. A validation of the formulation is made by comparing the present results with those reported in the literature and with simulations in the commercial code ANSYS. Finally, results for shell like structures with variable thickness are presented, and their behavior for different ratios r/h and L/r is studied.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Valencia Murillo, C., Gutierrez Rivera, M., & Reddy, J. N.

citation count

  • 2

complete list of authors

  • Valencia Murillo, Carlos||Gutierrez Rivera, Miguel||Reddy, Junuthula N

publication date

  • 2020
