selected publications academic article Benott, M. D., Nowotarski, C. J., Conlee, D. T., & Wood, L. (2018). Impacts of a University-led, On-demand Sounding Program on Human and Numerical Weather Prediction Model Forecasts in an Upper-air Observation Hole. Journal of Operational Meteorology. 6(7), 74-86. Trapp, R. J., Stensrud, D. J., Coniglio, M. C., Schumacher, R. S., Baldwin, M. E., Waugh, S., & Conlee, D. T. (2016). Mobile Radiosonde Deployments during the Mesoscale Predictability Experiment (MPEX): Rapid and Adaptive Sampling of Upscale Convective Feedbacks. Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS). 97(3), 329-336. Rigney, J. P., Bouchard, R., Diamond, C., Berkshire, D., LHeureux, D., Conlee, D., Colton, M., & Crout, R (1997). Oceanography from space in support of naval operations. Marine Technology Society Journal. 31(1), 31-40. conference paper Bouchard, R., Kern, K., Bernard, L., Teng, C. C., Crout, R., Conlee, D. T., ... Comstock, B (2007). Operational transition of the data processing, quality control, and web services of the tropical atmosphere ocean array (TAO) Conlee, D. T., Harlan, J., Terrill, E. J., Hazard, L., Otero, M., Spence, P. L., & Diercks, A. R (2007). The HF radar national server and architecture project Conlee, D. T., Moersdorf, P. F., & Henderson, D. G (2006). IOOS backbone expansion efforts by NOAA's National Data Buoy Center Crout, R., Conlee, D., Gilhousen, D., Bouchard, R., Garcia, M., Demarco, F., ... Raye, R (2006). Real-time oil platform ocean current data in the Gulf of Mexico: An IOOS industry partnership success story Terrill, E., Otero, M., Hazard, L., Conlee, D., Harlan, J., Kohut, J., ... Lindquist, K. (2006). Data mana,gement and real-time distribution in the HF-radar national network. Oceans -Conference-. 1167-1172. Crout, R. L., Conlee, D. T., & Bernard, L. J. (2006). National data buoy center (NDBC) national backbone contributions to the integrated ocean observation system (IOOS). Oceans -Conference-. 1899-+. Crout, R. L., & Conlee, D. T. (2006). Quality control of minerals management service-oil company ADCP data at NDBC: A successful partnership implementation. Oceans -Conference-. 1894-+. Conlee, D. T., & Moersdorf, P. F (2005). The nws marine observation network: Coastal marine component of multiple observing sytems. 3469-3473. CONLEE, D. T., & WILHEIT, T. T. (1994). INFORMATION CONTENT AND NONPROFILING APPLICATIONS OF THE SSM/T-2. 124-127. ALKHALAF, A. K., CONLEE, D. T., & WILHEIT, T. T. (1994). RETRIEVAL OF ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR PROFILES FROM SSM/T-2 MICROWAVE RADIANCES. 106-109. institutional repository document Nielsen-Gammon, J. W., Fipps, G., Caldwell, T., McRoberts, D. B., & Conlee, D. (2017). Feasibility Study for Development of Statewide Evapotranspiration Network
co-principal investigator on REU Site: Atmospheric Science in the Gulf Coast Region at Texas A&M University awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2016 - 2020 Performance of Meteorological Services to Conduct Soundings in Four Locations Across the Southern USA for the National Severe Storms Lab (NSSL) awarded by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2018 - 2019 NSF Reu Site: Atmospheric Sciences In the Gulf Coast Region At Texas A&M Univeristy awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2012 - 2016
teaching activities ATMO201 Weather & Climate Instructor ATMO202 Weather & Climate Laboratory Instructor ATMO203 Weather Forecasting Lab Instructor ATMO251 Weather Observ Analysis Instructor ATMO352 Severe Wea Meso Forecast Instructor ATMO370 Exper Abroad In Metero-germany Instructor ATMO370 High Impact Exper Meteoro: Brb Instructor ATMO370 High Impact Exper Meteoro: Deu Instructor ATMO456 Prac Weather Forecasting Instructor ATMO459 Tropical Meteorology Instructor ATMO484 Internship Instructor ATMO485 Directed Studies Instructor ATMO489 Sptp: Sabr Sea Met-barbados Instructor ATMO491 Research Instructor ATMO658 Synoptic Meteorology Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Benoit, Mark David (2016-12). Sensitivity of High-resolution WRF Forecasts to a Single Radiosonde in a Data Sparse Region.
education and training Ph.D. in Meteorology, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1994 M.S. in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography (with Distinction), Naval Postgraduate School - (Monterey, California, United States) 1991 B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences, University of Louisiana at Monroe - (Monroe, Louisiana, United States) 1983
awards and honors Provost Academic Professional Track Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2021 Association of Former Students University-Level Distinguished Achievement Award, The, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2018 Association of Former Students College-Level Teaching Distinguished Achievement Award, The, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2012
In the News A&M meteorology students broadcast with KAMU News Release When Storms Roll In, Texas A&M Steps Up To Aid Weather Forecasters News Release