Search for long-lived parents of Z0 bosons in pp collisions at s = 1.8 TeV uri icon


  • We search for new long-lived particles which decay to Z0 bosons by looking tor Z0e+e- decays with displaced vertices. We find no evidence for parent particles of the Z0 with long lifetimes in 90 pb-1 of data from the CDF experiment at Fermilab. We set a cross section limit as a function of the lifetime of the parent particle for both a generic Z0 parent and a fourth-generation, charge -1/3 quark that decays into Z0b.

published proceedings

  • Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology

author list (cited authors)

  • Abe, F., Akimoto, H., Akopian, A., Albrow, M. G., Amadon, A., Amendolia, S. R., ... Demortier, L.

complete list of authors

  • Abe, F||Akimoto, H||Akopian, A||Albrow, MG||Amadon, A||Amendolia, SR||Amidei, D||Antos, J||Aota, S||Apollinari, G||Arisawa, T||Asakawa, T||Ashmanskas, W||Atac, M||Azzi-Bacchetta, P||Bacchetta, N||Bagdasarov, S||Bailey, MW||de Barbaro, P||Barbaro-Galtieri, A||Barnes, VE||Barnett, BA||Barone, M||Bauer, G||Baumann, T||Bedeschi, F||Behrends, S||Belforte, S||Bellettini, G||Bellinger, J||Benjamin, D||Bensinger, J||Beretvas, A||Berge, JP||Berryhill, J||Bertolucci, S||Bettelli, S||Bevensee, B||Bhatti, A||Biery, K||Bigongiari, C||Binkley, M||Bisello, D||Blair, RE||Blocker, C||Blusk, S||Bodek, A||Bokhari, W||Bolla, G||Bonushkin, Y||Bortoletto, D||Boudreau, J||Breccia, L||Bromberg, C||Bruner, N||Brunetti, R||Buckley-Geer, E||Budd, HS||Burkett, K||Busetto, G||Byon-Wagner, A||Byrum, KL||Campbell, M||Caner, A||Carithers, W||Carlsmith, D||Cassada, J||Castro, A||Cauz, D||Cerri, A||Chang, PS||Chang, PT||Chao, HY||Chapman, J||Cheng, MT||Chertok, M||Chiarelli, G||Chiou, CN||Chlebana, F||Christofek, L||Chu, ML||Cihangir, S||Clark, AG||Cobal, M||Cocca, E||Contreras, M||Conway, J||Cooper, J||Cordelli, M||Costanzo, D||Couyoumtzelis, C||Cronin-Hennessy, D||Culbertson, R||Dagenhart, D||Daniels, T||de Jongh, F||dell'Agnello, S||dell'Orso, M||Demina, R||Demortier, L

publication date

  • September 1998