Zen and the art of policy analysis: A response to Nielsen and Wolf uri icon


  • Nielsen and Wolf lodge several criticisms of Meier, Wrinkle, and Polinard (1999). Although most of the criticisms deal with tangential issues rather than our core argument, their criticisms are flawed by misguided estimation strategies, erroneous results, and an inattention to existing theory and scholarship. Our reanalysis of their work demonstrates these problems and presents even stronger evidence for our initial conclusionthat both minority and Anglo students perform better in schools with more minority teachers. 2001, Southern Political Science Association. All rights reserved.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Meier, K. J., Eller, W. S., Wrinkle, R. D., & Polinard, J. L.

citation count

  • 24

complete list of authors

  • Meier, KJ||Eller, WS||Wrinkle, RD||Polinard, JL

publication date

  • May 2001