Precision prevention: A focused response to shifting paradigms in healthcare. uri icon


  • The study of LINE-1 retroelements and their role in the pathogenesis of diseases of the lung such as COPD and lung cancer may provide valuable diagnostic and therapeutic tools to identify pre-emptively individuals at risk of pulmonary disease progression. Limited information is presently available on the role of LINE-1 in the regulation of disease phenotypes and the development of novel therapeutics designed to curtail LINE-1-mediated pathogenesis. Successful implementation of precision prevention strategies may help to spare those impacted by obstructive pulmonary disease from continued deterioration, while realizing significant cost savings and improved quality of healthcare.

published proceedings

  • Exp Biol Med (Maywood)

altmetric score

  • 1

author list (cited authors)

  • Ramos, K. S., Bowers, E. C., Tavera-Garcia, M. A., & Ramos, I. N.

citation count

  • 1

complete list of authors

  • Ramos, Kenneth S||Bowers, Emma C||Tavera-Garcia, Marco A||Ramos, Irma N

publication date

  • March 2019