Evaluation of the Mosquito Sentinel 360 trap in Florida residential environments.
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The Mosquito Sentinel 360 (MS) trap was evaluated in back yards of 6 residences in and near Gainesville, FL. Carbon dioxide and blue-light-emitting diode-modified Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) traps were utilized as a human substitute host to provide a measure of the effectiveness of the MS trap in reducing mosquito presence at the back door area of the houses. At 5 of the 6 residences, a MS trap was operated with or without carbon dioxide, Lurex3 + octenol, or an experimental attractant. All MS traps were operated in tandem with a CDC trap, with the 6th site occupied only by a CDC trap. Over 67,000 mosquitoes from 19 species were recovered over the 12 trial days. Of these species, Anopheles crucians, An. quadrimaculatus, Coquillettidia perturbans, Culex erraticus, and Mansonia titillans were the predominant, nuisance, and medically important species captured and accounted for >92% of specimens recovered. Overall, attractant-modified MS traps captured more mosquitoes than the paired CDC trap. Carbon dioxide was found to greatly increase the capture of mosquitoes; however, the Lurex3 + octenol combination was significant with Cq. perturbans. All attractant-modified MS traps captured more Cx. erraticus and Ma. titillans than did the CDC, CO2-baited host mimic traps. The use of the MS 360 trap will undoubtedly require the addition of baits and perhaps the inclusion of a host masking or repellent approach to ensure protection from nuisance mosquitoes in residential environments.