Evaluation of two commercial traps for the collection of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). uri icon


  • Two types of commercial propane-powered traps, mosquito magnet (MM) (American Biophysics Corporation) MM-Freedom (Freedom) and MM-Liberty Plus (Liberty Plus), were evaluated for the collection of Culicoides. Trap preference and seasonal characteristics for the 3 major species, Culicoides furens, Culicoides barbosai, and Culicoides mississippiensis, were recorded from July 7, 2005, to July 24, 2006. Over 35 million Culicoides were captured during our study. When species were evaluated separately, analysis of overall mean trap collections yielded 5 months (February, March, June, September, and October) with significant trap effects. The Freedom trap captured more C. furens in June and October; the Liberty Plus trap captured more C. mississippiensis in February, March, and April, and more C. barbosai in September. The high numbers of Culicoides captured during our study suggest that the number of host-seeking Culicoides could potentially be reduced by continuous trapping during times when they are prevalent. Results of these investigations will be used to guide future control efforts.

published proceedings

  • J Am Mosq Control Assoc

author list (cited authors)

  • Lloyd, A. M., Kline, D. L., Hogsette, J. A., Kaufman, P. E., & Allan, S. A.

citation count

  • 7

complete list of authors

  • Lloyd, AM||Kline, DL||Hogsette, JA||Kaufman, PE||Allan, SA

publication date

  • June 2008