publisher of
- An improved spectral large sieve inequality for SL3(Z). Acta Arithmetica. 204:151-164. 2022
- Coarse and Lipschitz universality. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 254:181-214. 2021
- Formal versus analytic CR mappings. Annales Polonici Mathematici. 123:387-422. 2019
- Generalized dual Sudakov minoration via dimension-reduction-a program. Studia Mathematica. 244:159-202. 2019
- Coppersmith-Rivlin type inequalities and the order of vanishing of polynomials at 1. Acta Arithmetica. 172:271-284. 2016
- The number of unimodular zeros of self-reciprocal polynomials with coefficients in a finite set. Acta Arithmetica. 176:177-200. 2016
- The dual form of the approximation property for a Banach space and a subspace. Studia Mathematica. 231:287-292. 2015
- Hlder's inequality for roots of symmetric operator spaces. Studia Mathematica. 228:47-54. 2015
- Commutators on (Sigma l(q))(p) (vol 206, pg 175, 2011). Studia Mathematica. 223:187-191. 2014
- The simplex of tracial quantum symmetric states. Studia Mathematica. 225:203-218. 2014
- The multiplicity of the zero at 1 of polynomials with constrained coefficients. Acta Arithmetica. 159:387-395. 2013
- On the isotropic constant of marginals. Studia Mathematica. 212:219-236. 2012
- Arithmetic and ergodic properties of `flipped' continued fraction algorithms. Acta Arithmetica. 153:51-79. 2012
- Upper bounds for the L-q norm of Fekete polynomials on subarcs. Acta Arithmetica. 153:81-91. 2012
- Commutators on (Sigma l(q))(p) 2011
- Real Interpolation between Row and Column Spaces 2011
- More than 41% of the zeros of the zeta function are on the critical line. Acta Arithmetica. 150:35-64. 2011
- Orthogonality and the maximum of Littlewood cosine polynomials. Acta Arithmetica. 146:215-231. 2011
- Sparse recovery with pre-Gaussian random matrices. Studia Mathematica. 200:91-102. 2010
- A new metric invariant for Banach spaces. Studia Mathematica. 199:73-94. 2010
- Banach spaces of bounded Szlenk index II. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 205:161-177. 2009
- The first moment of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions. Acta Arithmetica. 138:73-99. 2009
- Banach spaces of bounded Szlenk index. Studia Mathematica. 183:63-97. 2007
- Lower bounds for the number of zeros of cosine polynomials in the period: a problem of Littlewood. Acta Arithmetica. 128:377-384. 2007
- The distribution of zeros of Epstein zeta functions over GL n. Acta Arithmetica. 128:157-166. 2007
- On norm closed ideals in L(l p ,l q ). Studia Mathematica. 179:239-262. 2007
- Cycles of distance-decreasing mappings in the ring of n-adic integers. Colloquium Mathematicum. 105:197-205. 2006
- On the psi(2)-behaviour of linear functionals on isotropic convex bodies. Studia Mathematica. 168:285-299. 2005
- Polynomial functions on the classical projective spaces. Studia Mathematica. 170:77-87. 2005
- The Banach space S is complementably minimal and subsequentially prime. Studia Mathematica. 156:227-242. 2003
- The ``Full ClarksonErdsSchwartz Theorem'' on the closure of non-dense Mntz spaces. Studia Mathematica. 155:145-152. 2003
- Multipliers of the Hardy space H 1 and power bounded operators. Colloquium Mathematicum. 88:57-73. 2001
- The norm of the polynomial truncation operator on the unit disk and on [-1,1]. Colloquium Mathematicum. 90:287-293. 2001
- Higher variations for free Levy processes. Studia Mathematica. 252:49-81.
- Stochastic approximation properties in Banach spaces. Studia Mathematica. 103-119. 2003
- Product-type non-commutative polynomial states. Banach Center Publications. 45-59.