Clean WateR(3)-Reduce, Remediate, Recycle: A Specialty Crops Research Initiative Project Focused on Management of Recycled Water for Ornamental Crop Production
Conference Paper
White, S. A., Owen, J. S., Majsztrik, J. C., Behe, B., Cregg, B., Fernandez, R. T., ... Wilson, P. C.
complete list of authors
White, Sarah A||Owen, James S||Majsztrik, John C||Behe, Bridget||Cregg, Bert||Fernandez, R Tom||Fisher, Paul||Hall, Charles R||Haver, Darren||Hitchcock, Daniel R||Ingram, Dewayne L||Kumar, Suarav||Lamm, Alexa||Lea-Cox, John D||Oki, Lorence R||Parke, Jennifer L||Ristvey, Andrew||Sample, David||Warner, Laura S||Wilson, P Christopher