What Should Recreational Professionals Do When Providing Services to Elderly Immigrants?
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Many studies address quality of life, life satisfaction, and well-being in later life in the United States. Asian elderly immigrants, however, have been beyond the interest of researchers in the leisure and recreation area for a long time, although there has been a dramatic influx of Asian elderly immigrants to the United States. Leisure participation by Asian elderly immigrants has been threatened by leisure barrierslanguage barrier, lack of support network toward new environment, and collapse of family-oriented relationshipbased on acculturative procedures in a host culture. Accordingly, the goal of this paper is to stress the importance of psychosocial activity among Asian elderly immigrants, and to suggest psychosocial activity as an efficient method for recreational professionals to reduce leisure barriers of elderly immigrants by understanding their cultural values and specific life circumstances. Copyright 2010 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.