Properties of six-jet events with large six-jet mass at the Fermilab proton-antiproton collider
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We describe the properties of six-jet events, with the six-jet mass exceeding [Formula presented] produced at the Fermilab proton-antiproton collider operating at a center-of-mass energy of 1.8 TeV. Observed distributions for a set of 20 multijet variables are compared with predictions from the HERWIG QCD parton shower Monte Carlo program, the NJETS leading order QCD matrix element Monte Carlo program, and a phase-space model in which six-jet events are distributed uniformly over the kinematically allowed region of the six-body phase space. In general the QCD predictions provide a good description of the observed six-jet distributions. 1997 The American Physical Society.
published proceedings
author list (cited authors)
Abe, F., Akimoto, H., Akopian, A., Albrow, M. G., Amendolia, S. R., Amidei, D., ... Zucchelli, S.
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complete list of authors
Abe, F||Akimoto, H||Akopian, A||Albrow, MG||Amendolia, SR||Amidei, D||Antos, J||Aota, S||Apollinari, G||Asakawa, T||Ashmanskas, W||Atac, M||Azfar, F||AzziBacchetta, P||Bacchetta, N||Badgett, W||Bagdasarov, S||Bailey, MW||Bao, J||deBarbaro, P||BarbaroGaltieri, A||Barnes, VE||Barnett, BA||Barone, M||Barzi, E||Bauer, G||Baumann, T||Bedeschi, F||Behrends, S||Belforte, S||Bellettini, G||Bellinger, J||Benjamin, D||Benlloch, J||Bensinger, J||Benton, D||Beretvas, A||Berge, JP||Berryhill, J||Bertolucci, S||Bevensee, B||Bhatti, A||Biery, K||Binkley, M||Bisello, D||Blair, RE||Blocker, C||Bodek, A||Bokhari, W||Bolognesi, V||Bolla, G||Bortoletto, D||Boudreau, J||Breccia, L||Bromberg, C||Bruner, N||BuckleyGeer, E||Budd, HS||Burkett, K||Busetto, G||ByonWagner, A||Byrum, KL||Cammerata, J||Campagnari, C||Campbell, M||Caner, A||Carithers, W||Carlsmith, D||Castro, A||Cauz, D||Cen, Y||Cervelli, F||Chang, PS||Chang, PT||Chao, HY||Chapman, J||Cheng, MT||Chiarelli, G||Chikamatsu, T||Chiou, CN||Christofek, L||Cihangir, S||Clark, AG||Cobal, M||Cocca, E||Contreras, M||Conway, J||Cooper, J||Cordelli, M||Couyoumtzelis, C||Crane, D||CroninHennessy, D||Culbertson, R||Daniels, T||DeJongh, F||Delchamps, S||DellAgnello, S||DellOrso, M||Demina, R||Demortier, L||Deninno, M||Derwent, PF||Devlin, T||Dittmann, JR||Donati, S||Done, J||Dorigo, T||Dunn, A||Eddy, N||Einsweiler, K||Elias, JE||Ely, R||Engels, E||Errede, D||Errede, S||Fan, Q||Feild, G||Ferretti, C||Fiori, I||Flaugher, B||Foster, GW||Franklin, M||Frautschi, M||Freeman, J||Friedman, J||Frisch, H||Fukui, Y||Funaki, S||Galeotti, S||Gallinaro, M||Ganel, O||GarciaSciveres, M||Garfinkel, AF||Gay, C||Geer, S||Gerdes, DW||Giannetti, P||Giokaris, N||Giromini, P||Giusti, G||Gladney, L||Glenzinski, D||Gold, M||Gonzalez, J||Gordon, A||Goshaw, AT||Gotra, Y||Goulianos, K||Grassmann, H||Groer, L||GrossoPilcher, C||Guillian, G||Guo, RS||Haber, C||Hafen, E||Hahn, SR||Hamilton, R||Handler, R||Hans, RM||Happacher, F||Hara, K||Hardman, AD||Harral, B||Harris, RM||Hauger, SA||Hauser, J||Hawk, C||Hayashi, E||Heinrich, J||Hinrichsen, B||Hoffman, KD||Hohlmann, M||Holck, C||Hollebeek, R||Holloway, L||Hong, S||Houk, G||Hu, P||Huffman, BT||Hughes, R||Huston, J||Huth, J||Hylen, J||Ikeda, H||Incagli, M||Incandela, J||Introzzi, G||Iwai, J||Iwata, Y||Jensen, H||Joshi, U||Kadel, RW||Kajfasz, E||Kambara, H||Kamon, T||Kaneko, T||Karr, K||Kasha, H||Kato, Y||Keaffaber, TA||Kelley, K||Kennedy, RD||Kephart, R||Kesten, P||Kestenbaum, D||Keutelian, H||Keyvan, F||Kharadia, B||Kim, BJ||Kim, DH||Kim, HS||Kim, SB||Kim, SH||Kim, YK||Kirsch, L||Koehn, P||Kondo, K||Konigsberg, J||Kopp, S||Kordas, K||Korytov, A||Koska, W||Kovacs, E||Kowald, W||Krasberg, M||Kroll, J||Kruse, M||Kuwabara, T||Kuhlmann, SE||Kuns, E||Laasanen, AT||Lami, S||Lammel, S||Lamoureux, JI||Lancaster, M||LeCompte, T||Leone, S||Lewis, JD||Limon, P||Lindgren, M||Liss, TM||Liu, JB||Liu, YC||Lockyer, N||Long, O||Loomis, C||Loreti, M||Lu, J||Lucchesi, D||Lukens, P||Lusin, S||Lys, J||Maeshima, K||Maghakian, A||Maksimovic, P||Mangano, M||Mansour, J||Mariotti, M||Marriner, JP||Martin, A||Matthews, JAJ||Mattingly, R||McIntyre, P||Melese, P||Menzione, A||Meschi, E||Metzler, S||Miao, C||Miao, T||Michail, G||Miller, R||Minato, H||Miscetti, S||Mishina, M||Mitsushio, H||Miyamoto, T||Miyashita, S||Moggi, N||Morita, Y||Mukherjee, A||Muller, T||Murat, P||Nakada, H||Nakano, I||Nelson, C||Neuberger, D||NewmanHolmes, C||Ngan, CYP||Ninomiya, M||Nodulman, L||Oh, SH||Ohl, KE||Ohmoto, T||Ohsugi, T||Oishi, R||Okabe, M||Okusawa, T||Oliveira, R||Olsen, J||Pagliarone, C||Paoletti, R||Papadimitriou, V||Pappas, SP||Parashar, N||Park, S||Parri, A||Patrick, J||Pauletta, G||Paulini, M||Perazzo, A||Pescara, L||Peters, MD||Phillips, TJ||Piacentino, G||Pillai, M||Pitts, KT||Plunkett, R||Pondrom, L||Proudfoot, J||Ptohos, F||Punzi, G||Ragan, K||Reher, D||Ribon, A||Rimondi, F||Ristori, L||Robertson, WJ||Rodrigo, T||Rolli, S||Romano, J||Rosenson, L||Roser, R||Saab, T||Sakumoto, WK||Saltzberg, D||Sansoni, A||Santi, L||Sato, H||Schlabach, P||Schmidt, EE||Schmidt, MP||Scribano, A||Segler, S||Seidel, S||Seiya, Y||Sganos, G||Shapiro, MD||Shaw, NM||Shen, Q||Shepard, PF||Shimojima, M||Shochet, M||Siegrist, J||Sill, A||Sinervo, P||Singh, P||Skarha, J||Sliwa, K||Snider, FD||Song, T||Spalding, J||Speer, T||Sphicas, P||Spinella, F||Spiropulu, M||Spiegel, L||Stanco, L||Steele, J||Stefanini, A||Strahl, K||Strait, J||Strohmer, R||Stuart, D||Sullivan, G||Sumorok, K||Suzuki, J||Takada, T||Takahashi, T||Takano, T||Takikawa, K||Tamura, N||Tannenbaum, B||Tartarelli, F||Taylor, W||Teng, PK||Teramoto, Y||Tether, S||Theriot, D||Thomas, TL||Thun, R||ThurmanKeup, R||Timko, M||Tipton, P||Titov, A||Tkaczyk, S||Toback, D||Tollefson, K||Tollestrup, A||Toyoda, H||Trischuk, W||deTroconiz, JF||Truitt, S||Tseng, J||Turini, N||Uchida, T||Uemura, N||Ukegawa, F||Unal, G||Valls, J||vandenBrink, SC||Vejcik, S||Velev, G||Vidal, R||Vilar, R||Vondracek, M||Vucinic, D||Wagner, RG||Wagner, RL||Wahl, J||Wallace, NB||Walsh, 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51 Physical Sciences
5106 Nuclear And Plasma Physics
5107 Particle And High Energy Physics
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