Properties of photon plus two-jet events in (p)over-bar-p collisions at root s=1.8 TeV
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We present the first general measurements (invariant-mass, transverse-energy, and angular distributions) of the process, (Formula presented) (Formula presented) using data collected by the CDF at Fermilab. We compare the data with predictions from a tree-level QCD calculation and the PYTHIA shower Monte Carlo program. Our data sample is particularly sensitive to contributions from initial- and final-state radiation of photons and jets. Using the PYTHIA Monte Carlo program, we contrast the kinematical distributions for direct photon production with those for initial- and final-state photon radiation (bremsstrahlung). Based on the angular distributions, we find that our data favor a mixture of bremsstrahlung and direct photon production, as predicted, over either process alone. 1998 The American Physical Society.
published proceedings
author list (cited authors)
Abe, F., Akimoto, H., Akopian, A., Albrow, M. G., Amendolia, S. R., Amidei, D., ... Zucchelli, S.
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complete list of authors
Abe, F||Akimoto, H||Akopian, A||Albrow, MG||Amendolia, SR||Amidei, D||Antos, J||Aota, S||Apollinari, G||Asakawa, T||Ashmanskas, W||Atac, M||Azfar, F||Azzi-Bacchetta, P||Bacchetta, N||Badgett, W||Bagdasarov, S||Bailey, MW||Bao, J||de Barbaro, P||Barbaro-Galtieri, A||Barnes, VE||Barnett, BA||Barone, M||Barzi, E||Bauer, G||Baumann, T||Bedeschi, F||Behrends, S||Belforte, S||Bellettini, G||Bellinger, J||Benjamin, D||Benlloch, J||Bensinger, J||Benton, D||Beretvas, A||Berge, JP||Berryhill, J||Bertolucci, S||Bevensee, B||Bhatti, A||Biery, K||Binkley, M||Bisello, D||Blair, RE||Blocker, C||Bodek, A||Bokhari, W||Bolognesi, V||Bolla, G||Bortoletto, D||Boudreau, J||Breccia, L||Bromberg, C||Bruner, N||Buckley-Geer, E||Budd, HS||Burkett, K||Busetto, G||Byon-Wagner, A||Byrum, KL||Cammerata, J||Campagnari, C||Campbell, M||Caner, A||Carithers, W||Carlsmith, D||Castro, A||Cauz, D||Cen, Y||Cervelli, F||Chang, PS||Chang, PT||Chao, HY||Chapman, J||Cheng, MT||Chiarelli, G||Chikamatsu, T||Chiou, CN||Christofek, L||Cihangir, S||Clark, AG||Cobal, M||Cocca, E||Contreras, M||Conway, J||Cooper, J||Cordelli, M||Couyoumtzelis, C||Crane, D||Cronin-Hennessy, D||Culbertson, R||Daniels, T||DeJongh, F||Delchamps, S||Dell'Agnello, S||Dell'Orso, M||Demina, R||Demortier, L||Deninno, M||Derwent, PF||Devlin, T||Dittmann, JR||Donati, S||Done, J||Dorigo, T||Dunn, A||Eddy, N||Einsweiler, K||Elias, JE||Ely, R||Engels, E||Errede, D||Errede, S||Fan, Q||Feild, G||Ferretti, C||Fiori, I||Flaugher, B||Foster, GW||Franklin, M||Frautschi, M||Freeman, J||Friedman, J||Frisch, H||Fukui, Y||Funaki, S||Galeotti, S||Gallinaro, M||Ganel, O||Garcia-Sciveres, M||Garfinkel, AF||Gay, C||Geer, S||Gerdes, DW||Giannetti, P||Giokaris, N||Giromini, P||Giusti, G||Gladney, L||Glenzinski, D||Gold, M||Gonzalez, J||Gordon, A||Goshaw, AT||Gotra, Y||Goulianos, K||Grassmann, H||Groer, L||Grosso-Pilcher, C||Guillian, G||Guo, RS||Haber, C||Hafen, E||Hahn, SR||Hamilton, R||Handler, R||Hans, RM||Happacher, F||Hara, K||Hardman, AD||Harral, B||Harris, RM||Hauger, SA||Hauser, J||Hawk, C||Hayashi, E||Heinrich, J||Hinrichsen, B||Hoffman, KD||Hohlmann, M||Holck, C||Hollebeek, R||Holloway, L||Hong, S||Houk, G||Hu, P||Huffman, BT||Hughes, R||Huston, J||Huth, J||Hylen, J||Ikeda, H||Incagli, M||Incandela, J||Introzzi, G||Iwai, J||Iwata, Y||Jensen, H||Joshi, U||Kadel, RW||Kajfasz, E||Kambara, H||Kamon, T||Kaneko, T||Karr, K||Kasha, H||Kato, Y||Keaffaber, TA||Kelley, K||Kennedy, RD||Kephart, R||Kesten, P||Kestenbaum, D||Keutelian, H||Keyvan, F||Kharadia, B||Kim, BJ||Kim, DH||Kim, HS||Kim, SB||Kim, SH||Kim, YK||Kirsch, L||Koehn, P||Kondo, K||Konigsberg, J||Kopp, S||Kordas, K||Korytov, A||Koska, W||Kovacs, E||Kowald, W||Krasberg, M||Kroll, J||Kruse, M||Kuwabara, T||Kuhlmann, SE||Kuns, E||Laasanen, AT||Lami, S||Lammel, S||Lamoureux, JI||Lancaster, M||LeCompte, T||Leone, S||Lewis, JD||Limon, P||Lindgren, M||Liss, TM||Liu, JB||Liu, YC||Lockyer, N||Long, O||Loomis, C||Loreti, M||Lu, J||Lucchesi, D||Lukens, P||Lusin, S||Lys, 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49 Mathematical Sciences
4902 Mathematical Physics
51 Physical Sciences
5106 Nuclear And Plasma Physics
5107 Particle And High Energy Physics
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