Investigating resilience in emergency management: An integrative review of literature.
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There is a growing need for resilience in dealing with unexpected events during disasters. The purpose of this review was to summarize and synthesize the literature that examined resilience in the context of emergency management (EM). Four groups of findings were synthesized: definitions, key dimensions, technical tools, and research settings employed in the research. First, definitions of resilience, improvisation, and adaptation were summarized and critically evaluated. Second, four key dimensions of EM resilience were identified: collective sensemaking, team decision making, harmonizing work-as-imagined and work-as-done, and interaction and coordination. Third, this review identified five prevalent technical tools used to enhance resilience in EM: mapmaking, event history logging, mobile communication applications, integrated information management system, and decision support tools. Fourth, two major design features of emergency simulations, incident scenarios and participant roles, are evaluated. For each finding, directions for future research efforts to improve resilience in EM are proposed.