Charged particle transverse momentum spectra in pp collisions at s = 0:9 and 7 TeV uri icon


  • The charged particle transverse momentum (pT) spectra are presented for pp collisions at s = 0:9 and 7TeV. The data samples were collected with the CMS detector at the LHC and correspond to integrated luminosities of 231 b-1and 2.96 pb-1, respectively. Calorimeter-based high-transverse-energy triggers are employed to enhance the statistical reach of the high-pT measurements. The results are compared with leading and next-toleading order QCD and with an empirical scaling of measurements at different collision energies using the scaling variable xT - 2pT=ps over the pT range up to 136 GeV/c. Using a combination of xT scaling and direct interpolation at fixed pT, a reference transverse momentum spectrum at s = 2:76TeV is constructed, which can be used for studying high-pT particle suppression in the dense QCD medium produced in heavy-ion collisions at that centre-of-mass energy. Copyright CERN.

published proceedings

  • Journal of High Energy Physics

altmetric score

  • 0.25

author list (cited authors)

  • Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, A. M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., ... Militaru, O.

citation count

  • 58

complete list of authors

  • Chatrchyan, S||Khachatryan, V||Sirunyan, AM||Tumasyan, A||Adam, W||Bergauer, T||Dragicevic, M||Erö, J||Fabjan, C||Friedl, M||Frühwirth, R||Ghete, VM||Hammer, J||Hänsel, S||Hoch, M||Hörmann, N||Hrubec, J||Jeitler, M||Kiesenhofer, W||Krammer, M||Liko, D||Mikulec, I||Pernicka, M||Rohringer, H||Schöfbeck, R||Strauss, J||Taurok, A||Teischinger, F||Wagner, P||Waltenberger, W||Walzel, G||Widl, E||Wulz, CE||Mossolov, V||Shumeiko, N||Gonzalez, JS||Benucci, L||De Wolf, EA||Janssen, X||Maes, J||Maes, T||Mucibello, L||Ochesanu, S||Roland, B||Rougny, R||Selvaggi, M||Van Haevermaet, H||Van Mechelen, P||Van Remortel, N||Blekman, F||Blyweert, S||D'Hondt, J||Devroede, O||Gonzalez Suarez, R||Kalogeropoulos, A||Maes, M||Van Doninck, W||Van Mulders, P||Van Onsem, GP||Villella, I||Charaf, O||Clerbaux, B||De Lentdecker, G||Dero, V||Gay, APR||Hammad, GH||Hreus, T||Marage, PE||Thomas, L||Vander Velde, C||Vanlaer, P||Adler, V||Cimmino, A||Costantini, S||Grunewald, M||Klein, B||Lellouch, J||Marinov, A||Mccartin, J||Ryckbosch, D||Thyssen, F||Tytgat, M||Vanelderen, L||Verwilligen, P||Walsh, S||Zaganidis, N||Basegmez, S||Bruno, G||Caudron, J||Ceard, L||Cortina Gil, E||De Favereau De Jeneret, J||Delaere, C||Favart, D||Giammanco, A||Grégoire, G||Hollar, J||Lemaitre, V||Liao, J||Militaru, O

publication date

  • January 2011