Long-range many-body polyelectrolyte bridging interactions. uri icon


  • We investigate polyelectrolyte bridging interactions mediated by charged, flexible, polyelectrolyte chains between fixed cylindrical macroions of opposite charge in a two-dimensional hexagonal crystalline array. We show that in the asymptotic regime of small macroion density, the polyelectrolyte-mediated attraction is long range, falling off approximately linearly with the macroion array density. We investigate the polyelectrolyte free energy as a function of the macroion density and derive several analytic limiting laws valid in different regimes of the parameter space.

published proceedings

  • J Chem Phys

author list (cited authors)

  • Podgornik, R., & Saslow, W. M.

citation count

  • 14

complete list of authors

  • Podgornik, Rudi||Saslow, Wayne M

publication date

  • May 2005