Rest-Frame Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared Observations of an Interacting Lyman Break Galaxy at z = 4.42
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We present the rest-frame ultraviolet through near-infrared spectral energy distribution for an interacting Lyman break galaxy at a redshift z = 4.42, the highest redshift merging system known with clearly resolved tidal features. The two objects in this system, HDF-G4 and its previously unidentified companion, are both B435 -band dropouts, have similar V606 - i 775 and i775 - z850 colors, and are separated by 1, which at z = 4.42 corresponds to 7 kpc projected nuclear separation; these are all indicators of an interacting system. Fits to stellar population models indicate a stellar mass of M* = 2.6 10 10M, an age of * = 720 Myr, and an exponential star formation history, with an e-folding time 0 = 440 Myr. Using these derived stellar populations as constraints, we model the HDF-G4 system using hydrodynamical simulations, and find that it will likely evolve into a quasar by z 3.5, and a quiescent, compact spheroid by z 2.5, similar to those observed at z 2. The existence of such an object supports galaxy formation models in which major mergers drive the high-redshift buildup of spheroids and black holes. 2007. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
Younger, J. D., Huang, J., Fazio, G. G., Cox, T. J., Lai, K., Hopkins, P. F., ... Shapley, A. E.
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Younger, Joshua D||Huang, Jia-Sheng||Fazio, Giovanni G||Cox, Thomas J||Lai, Kamson||Hopkins, Philip F||Hernquist, Lars||Papovich, Casey J||Simard, Luc||Lin, Lihwai||Cheng, Yi-Wen||Yan, Haojin||Kereš, Dušan||Shapley, Alice E