selected publications academic article Misemer, S. M. (2016). Service Learning: Staging Hispanic Theatre for Bilingual Elementary Students. 50(1), 147-+. Misemer, S. M. (2016). Evita, Inevitably: Performing Argentina's Female Icons Before and After Eva Pern by Jean Graham-Jones (review). Latin American Theatre Review. 49(2), 311-313. Misemer, S. M. (2013). Tragedy and Trauma: Antigone oriental de Marianella Morena. 30(3), 125-142. Misemer, S. M. (2013). Traumatic Spectacles: Recent Latin American Drama and Performance. South Central Review. 30(3), 1-4. Misemer, S. M. (2012). Ericka Fischer-Lichte and Benjamin Wihstutz, Eds. Performance and the Politics of Space: Theatre and Topology. 10(2), Misemer, S. M. (2011). To Kiss and Tell: Lust, Consumption, and Place in Morenas Don Juan: el lugar del beso. 37(1), 139-153. Misemer, S. M. (2011). Werth, Brenda. Theatre. Performance, and Memory Politics in Argentina. Latin American Theatre Review. 45(1), 222-223. Misemer, S. M. (2010). Paredez, Deborah. Selenidad: Selena, Latinos, and the Performance of Memory. 3, 191-192. Misemer, S. M. (2010). VAMPING THE ARGENTINE FAMILY: SEX AND INTERTEXTS IN GAMBARO'S NOSFERATU. Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana. 39(2), 154-170. Misemer, S. M. (2009). Pedagogia de la Participacion: Entering Elena Garro's Un hogar solido through the Body. Enacting Death and Politics in Mexico. Hispania. 92(4), 762-773. Misemer, S. M. (2009). Hotel Juarez: Dramaturgy of femicide. Latin American Theatre Review. 43(1), 218-219. Misemer, S. M. (2009). Mijares, Enrique, ed. Hotel Jurez: Dramaturgia de feminicidios. Latin American Theatre Review. 43(1), 218-219. Misemer, S. M. (2008). Andr, Mara Claudia. Seven Plays by Argentine Playwright Susana Torres Molina (Strange Toy, Thats All That, Mystic Union, Sirens Song, Paradises Lost, Zero, and She). Latin American Theatre Review. 41(2), 167-168. Misemer, S. M. (2008). No ordinary Garden Party: Lorcas Tragically Cursi Perlimpln and Belisa. 20(2-3), 425-441. Misemer, S. M. (2008). Seven plays by Argentine playwright Susana Torres Molina. Latin American Theatre Review. 41(2), 167-168. Misemer, S. M. (2008). Tracks to Modernity: Reconstructing the Present in Roberto Cossa's El Sur y despues. Revista Hispánica Moderna. 61(2), 167-182. Misemer, S. M. (2008). Tragedias tradicionales e historias de un nuevo ordn global: Groenlandia de Gabriel Peveroni. 46, 65-84. Misemer, S. M. (2008). Gabriel Peveroni's 'Luna Roja': Eclipsing and recycling information and meaning on the stage. 61(4), 278-290. Misemer, S. M. (2007). Still in crisis? Gabriel Peveroni's El Hueco (una tribu urbana). Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanos. 31(3), 455-472. Misemer, S. M. (2007). Dictionary of Argentinian theatrical authors (1950-2000). Latin American Theatre Review. 40(2), 193-194. Misemer, S. M. (2007). Zayas de Lima, Perla. Diccionario de autores teatrales argentinos (1950-2000) Vol. I and II. Latin American Theatre Review. 40(2), 193-194. Misemer, S. M. (2006). Continuity, transformation and change: The grotesque Creole of Armando Discepolo. Latin American Theatre Review. 39(2), 209-211. Misemer, S. M. (2006). S-E-X-Oh!: A Performance by El Teatro Luna. Latin American Theatre Review. 40(1), 208-209. Misemer, S. M. (2006). Sanhueza-Carvajal, Mara Teresa. Continuidad, transformacin y cambio: El grotesco criollo de Armando Discpolo. Latin American Theatre Review. 39(2), 209-211. Misemer, S. M. (2005). Bridging the gaps in cultural memory: Carlos Gorostiza's El 'puente', and Gabriel Peveroni's 'Sarajevo Esquina Montevideo (El puente)'. Latin American Theatre Review. 39(1), 29-+. Misemer, S. M. (2004). de Toro, Alfonso, ed. Estrategias postmodernas y postcoloniales en el teatro latinoamericano actual. Hibridez, medialidad, cuerpo. 6, 378-378. Misemer, S. M. (2003). Cataleptic Cacophony: in Coco Fuscos The Incredible Disappearing Woman. 36, 73-89. Misemer, S. M. (2002). Corpa Vargas, Mirta. Eva Pern en el cristal de la escritura: Mabel Pagano, personaje literario y postrauma. Chasqui. 31(2), 124-126. Misemer, S. M. (2002). Pellettieri, Osvaldo, ed. Indagaciones sobre el fin de siglo. Latin American Theatre Review. 35(2), 161-162. Misemer, S. M. (2001). Teatro y el teatro de la palabra: el caso de Miguel N. Lira. 3(2), 71-81. book Misemer, S. M. (2017). Theatrical Topographies Spatial Crises in Uruguayan Theater Post-2001. Bucknell University Press. Golsan, R. J., & Misemer, S. M. (2017). Introduction: Arendt in Jerusalem: The Eichmann trial, the banality of evil, and the meaning of justice fifty years on Golsan, R. J., & Misemer, S. M. (2017). The trial that never ends: Hannah Arendt's 'Eichmann in Jerusalelm' in retrospect Misemer, S. M. (2010). Moving Forward, Looking Back Trains, Literature, and the Arts in the River Plate. Bucknell University Press. Misemer, S. M. (2008). Secular Saints Performing Frida Kahlo, Carlos Gardel, Eva Pern, and Selena. Tamesis Books. chapter Misemer, S. M. (2013). STAGES OF TRANSIT: RASCON BANDA'S HOTEL JUAREZ AND PEVERONI'S BERLIN. Becker, F. N., Hernández, P. S., & Werth, B. (Eds.), IMAGINING HUMAN RIGHTS IN TWENTY-FIRST-CENTURY THEATER: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES. (pp. 137-153). Palgrave Macmillan US. Misemer, S. M. (2012). El dolor como performance de violencia y coercion : tiranos y huerfanos chilenos en Orfandad, de Marco Espinoza Quezada. Seda, L. (Eds.), Teatro contra el olvido. (pp. 57-69). Universidad Cientfica del Sur. Misemer, S. M. (2009). Transgressing spaces: within, without, and beyond the stage and Uruguay in Gabriel Peveroni's theater. Bixler, J., & Seda, L. (Eds.), Trans/acting Latin American and Latino Performing Arts. (pp. 38-71). Bucknell University Press.
teaching activities HISP664 Sem In Hispanic Theater Instructor HISP685 Directed Studies Instructor HISP691 Research Instructor HISP691 Research:in-ab Instructor SPAN202 Intermediate Span Ii Instructor SPAN301 Oral Expression Instructor SPAN303 Hnr-comp & Conversation Instructor SPAN310 Hnr:oral Expression Instructor SPAN320 Hnr-intro To Hispanic Lit Instructor SPAN450 Cont Sp & Sp Am Lit Instructor SPAN460 Topics In Hispanic Lit Instructor TAMU499 Ug Research Experience Instructor UGST405 Thesis Writing Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Spanish, University of Kansas - (Lawrence, Kansas, United States) 2001 M.A. in Spanish, University of Kansas - (Lawrence, Kansas, United States) 1997 B.A. in Spanish & Political Science, University of Kansas - (Lawrence, Kansas, United States) 1994