selected publications academic article Afenyo, M., & Caesar, L. D. (2023). Maritime cybersecurity threats: Gaps and directions for future research. Ocean and Coastal Management. 236, 106493-106493. Antwi-Agyakwa, K. T., Afenyo, M. K., & Angnuureng, D. B. (2023). Know to Predict, Forecast to Warn: A Review of Flood Risk Prediction Tools. Water (Switzerland). 15(3), 427-427. Afenyo, M., Jiang, C., Ng, A., & Lee, P. (2022). A Bayesian-loss function-based method in assessing loss caused by ship-source oil spills in the arctic area. Risk Analysis. Adumene, S., Afenyo, M., Salehi, V., & William, P. (2022). An adaptive model for human factors assessment in maritime operations. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 89, 103293-103293. Panahi, R., Afenyo, M., & Ng, A. (2022). Developing a resilience index for safer and more resilient arctic shipping. Maritime Policy and Management: an international journal of shipping and port research. 1-15. Caesar, L. D., Lewis, J., Afenyo, M., & Brho, M. (2021). Global maritime piracy: Impact on seafaring and the factors shaping confrontational outcomes. Journal of Transportation Security. 14(3-4), 307-324.
teaching activities ECON203 Prin Of Economics Instructor MARA440 Global Econ & Enter Mgmt Instructor MARA623 Maritime Econ Theory & Appl Instructor MARA640 Global Logistics Instructor MARA685 Directed Studies Instructor SCMT364 Operations Management Instructor