Abortion due to Bacillus safensis in a mare uri icon


  • SummaryA 16yearold Westphalian mare aborted a dead fetus at 7months of gestation without prodromal signs. The chorioallantois was diffusely thickened and discoloured, with fibrinous plaques, congestion and haemorrhage. Small colonies of 1m, Grampositive bacilli were scattered throughout the exudate overlying the chorionic epithelium, and within macrophages. Bacillus safensis was isolated from the fetal lungs and from a swab sample of the mare's uterus. This strain represents the first case of a B. safensisassociated equine abortion and the first case of any infection caused by this bacterium.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Kelley, D. E., Hodo, C. L., Aceino, A., Lawhon, S. D., Hinrichs, K., & Brinsko, S. P.

citation count

  • 1

complete list of authors

  • Kelley, DE||Hodo, CL||Aceino, A||Lawhon, SD||Hinrichs, K||Brinsko, SP

publication date

  • February 2021
