selected publications academicarticle Tirosh, N., Bien-Aime, S., Sreenivasan, A., & Lichtenstein, D. (2022). Nationalizing the refugee crisis: A comparative analysis exploring how elite newspapers in four countries framed forced migration during World Refugee Day. Newspaper research journal. 43(1), 47-64. Sreenivasan, A., Bien-Aim, S., & Connolly-Ahern, C. (2017). Connecting Homeland and Borders Using Mobile Telephony: Exploring the State of Tamil Refugees in Indian Camps. Journal of Information Policy. 7(1), 86-110. Sreenivasan, A., Bien-Aime, S., & Connolly-Ahern, C. (2017). CONNECTING HOMELAND AND BORDERS USING MOBILE TELEPHONY Exploring the State of Tamil Refugees in Indian Camps. Journal of Information Policy. 7, 86-110. DeMaagd, K., Chew, H. E., Huang, G., Khan, M. L., Sreenivasan, A., & LaRose, R. (2013). The use of public computing facilities by library patrons: demography, motivations, and barriers. Government Information Quarterly: an international journal of information technology management, policies, and practices. 30(1), 110-118. chapter Sundar, S. S. (2012). How Does Technology Persuade?: Theoretical Mechanisms for Persuasive Technologies. The SAGE Handbook of Persuasion: Developments in Theory and Practice. (pp. 388-404). SAGE Publications. conference paper Grzeslo, J., Sreenivasan, A., & Bien-Aime, S. (2016). ICTD or Technology Graves: Exploring ICT Lifecycle Management in Development Projects. 1-4. Sundar, S. S., & Sreenivasan, A. (2015). In machines we trust. 1-4.
teaching activities BIOT685 Directed Studies Instructor BUSN209 Business Tech Experience Instructor BUSN299 Prof & High Impact Exper Instructor BUSN489 Sptp: Hnr: Tech Immersion Instructor BUSN489 Sptp: Tech Immersion Instructor IBUS455 Asian Business Environ Instructor IBUS455 Asian Business Environ-india Instructor IBUS685 Directed Studies-india Instructor MKTG345 Social Media And Pr Instructor MKTG345 Social Media Strategy Instructor MKTG347 Adv Creative Mktg Comm Instructor MKTG409 Principles Of Marketing Instructor MKTG430 Marketing Consulting Instructor MKTG484 Marketing Internship Instructor MKTG485 Directed Studies Instructor MKTG656 Branding And Mktg Comm Instructor MKTG705 Market And Customer Insights Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Mass Communications, Pennsylvania State University - (State College, Pennsylvania, United States) 2017 M.A. in Broadcast Communications (Distinction with Honors), University of Madras - (Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India) 2008 B.S. in Electronic Media and Communications (Distinction with Honors), University of Madras - (Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India) 2006
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