Measurement of neutrino oscillations with the MINOS detectors in the NuMI beam.
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This Letter reports new results from the MINOS experiment based on a two-year exposure to muon neutrinos from the Fermilab NuMI beam. Our data are consistent with quantum-mechanical oscillations of neutrino flavor with mass splitting |Deltam2| = (2.43+/-0.13) x 10(-3) eV2 (68% C.L.) and mixing angle sin2(2theta) > 0.90 (90% C.L.). Our data disfavor two alternative explanations for the disappearance of neutrinos in flight: namely, neutrino decays into lighter particles and quantum decoherence of neutrinos, at the 3.7 and 5.7 standard-deviation levels, respectively.
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author list (cited authors)
Adamson, P., Andreopoulos, C., Arms, K. E., Armstrong, R., Auty, D. J., Ayres, D. S., ... MINOS Collaboration.
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complete list of authors
Adamson, P||Andreopoulos, C||Arms, KE||Armstrong, R||Auty, DJ||Ayres, DS||Baller, B||Barnes, PD||Barr, G||Barrett, WL||Becker, BR||Belias, A||Bernstein, RH||Bhattacharya, D||Bishai, M||Blake, A||Bock, GJ||Boehm, J||Boehnlein, DJ||Bogert, D||Bower, C||Buckley-Geer, E||Cavanaugh, S||Chapman, JD||Cherdack, D||Childress, S||Choudhary, BC||Cobb, JH||Coleman, SJ||Culling, AJ||de Jong, JK||Dierckxsens, M||Diwan, MV||Dorman, M||Dytman, SA||Escobar, CO||Evans, JJ||Harris, E Falk||Feldman, GJ||Frohne, MV||Gallagher, HR||Godley, A||Goodman, MC||Gouffon, P||Gran, R||Grashorn, EW||Grossman, N||Grzelak, K||Habig, A||Harris, D||Harris, PG||Hartnell, J||Hatcher, R||Heller, K||Himmel, A||Holin, A||Hylen, J||Irwin, GM||Ishitsuka, M||Jaffe, DE||James, C||Jensen, D||Kafka, T||Kasahara, SMS||Kim, JJ||Kim, MS||Koizumi, G||Kopp, S||Kordosky, M||Koskinen, DJ||Kotelnikov, SK||Kreymer, A||Kumaratunga, S||Lang, K||Ling, J||Litchfield, PJ||Litchfield, RP||Loiacono, L||Lucas, P||Ma, J||Mann, WA||Marchionni, A||Marshak, ML||Marshall, JS||Mayer, N||McGowan, AM||Meier, JR||Merzon, GI||Messier, MD||Metelko, CJ||Michael, DG||Miller, JL||Miller, WH||Mishra, SR||Moore, CD||Morfín, J||Mualem, L||Mufson, S||Murgia, S||Musser, J||Naples, D||Nelson, JK||Newman, HB||Nichol, RJ||Nicholls, TC||Ochoa-Ricoux, JP||Oliver, WP||Ospanov, R||Paley, J||Paolone, V||Para, A||Patzak, T||Pavlović, Z||Pawloski, G||Pearce, GF||Peck, CW||Peterson, EA||Petyt, DA||Pittam, R||Plunkett, RK||Rahaman, A||Rameika, RA||Raufer, TM||Rebel, B||Reichenbacher, J||Rodrigues, PA||Rosenfeld, C||Rubin, HA||Ruddick, K||Ryabov, VA||Sanchez, MC||Saoulidou, N||Schneps, J||Schreiner, P||Seun, S-M||Shanahan, P||Smart, W||Smith, C||Sousa, A||Speakman, B||Stamoulis, P||Strait, M||Symes, P||Tagg, N||Talaga, RL||Tavera, MA||Thomas, J||Thompson, J||Thomson, MA||Thron, JL||Tinti, G||Trostin, I||Tsarev, VA||Tzanakos, G||Urheim, J||Vahle, P||Viren, B||Ward, CP||Ward, DR||Watabe, M||Weber, A||Webb, RC||Wehmann, A||West, N||White, C||Wojcicki, SG||Wright, DM||Yang, T||Zois, M||Zhang, K||Zwaska, R
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published in
51 Physical Sciences
5106 Nuclear And Plasma Physics
5107 Particle And High Energy Physics
PubMed Central ID
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
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