Torque magnetometry: An effective tool for study of metamagnetic transitions in quaternary borocarbides RNi2B2C
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The metamagnetic transitions in single-crystal rare-earth nickel borocarbide ErNi2B2C and TbNi2B2C have been studied at 1.9 K with a Quantum Design torque magnetometer. The critical fields of the transitions depend crucially on the angle between applied field and the easy axis [1 0 0]. Torque measurements have been made while changing angular direction of the magnetic field (parallel to basal tetragonal ab-planes) in a wide angular range (more than two quadrants). The results obtained permit discovery of new features of the metamagnetic states in these compounds, which were not revealed in previous studies. For both borocarbides the sequences of metamagnetic transitions with increasing field were different for the magnetic field along (or close enough to) the easy [1 0 0] axis from that near the hard [1 1 0] axis. 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.