Precision Measurement of the Asymmetry in Spin-Polarized ^{37}K Decay. uri icon


  • Using Triumf's neutral atom trap, Trinat, for nuclear decay, we have measured the asymmetry with respect to the initial nuclear spin in ^{37}K to be A_{}=-0.5707(13)_{syst}(13)_{stat}(5)_{pol}, a 0.3% measurement. This is the best relative accuracy of any -asymmetry measurement in a nucleus or the neutron, and is in agreement with the standard model prediction -0.5706(7). We compare constraints on physics beyond the standard model with other -decay measurements, and improve the value of V_{ud} measured in this mirror nucleus by a factor of 4.

published proceedings

  • Phys Rev Lett

altmetric score

  • 27.25

author list (cited authors)

  • Fenker, B., Gorelov, A., Melconian, D., Behr, J. A., Anholm, M., Ashery, D., ... Warner, C. L.

citation count

  • 29

complete list of authors

  • Fenker, B||Gorelov, A||Melconian, D||Behr, JA||Anholm, M||Ashery, D||Behling, RS||Cohen, I||Craiciu, I||Gwinner, G||McNeil, J||Mehlman, M||Olchanski, K||Shidling, PD||Smale, S||Warner, CL

publication date

  • February 2018