The textbook, Financial Accounting and Reporting, by Murphy Smith, Katherine Taken Smith and Shannon Knight Deer, is especially designed to present financial accounting in a one-sequence course in 2-year or 4-year colleges. The book can also effectively be used in a graduate-level financial accounting course for MBA students, who are from non-business major backgrounds. The text presents the fundamentals of financial accounting using a unique cross-functional approach that demonstrates the relevance of accounting information to the various business functional areas (e.g., marketing, finance, and production). This approach motivates learning by both preparers and users of accounting information. Accounting majors will appreciate how accounting information contributes to the success of the firm and the decision-making of every member of the management team. Non-accounting majors will understand how accounting information contributes to their future job performance. Cross-functional applications are interwoven into the presentation of accounting fundamentals in each chapter. In addition, the book contains contemporary accounting issues related to ethics, information technology, and global commerce. The textbook features a chapter, as well as observations throughout the book, on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and how they differ from U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The textbook covers the key topics in financial accounting like most books in this field. The significant difference is the books cross-functional perspective that engages students by showing them how they will use financial accounting in their careers. The book is also unique in its integration of accounting ethics, global commerce, and technology. The textbook includes a CD-ROM containing ancillary materials such as a Solution Manual, Test Bank, Study Guide (including chapter summaries and sample questions and problems), Working Papers in Excel, and Power Point Slides.