First measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B(Lambda(0)(b) -> Lambda(+)(c) mu(-) (nu)over-bar(mu))/B(Lambda(0)(b) -> Lambda(+)(c) pi(-))
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This article presents the first measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B(b0c+-)/ B(b0c+-). Measurements in two control samples using the same technique B(B0D+- )/B(B0D+-) and B(B 0D*(2010)+-)/ B(B0D*(2010)+-) are also reported. The analysis uses data from an integrated luminosity of approximately 172pb-1 of pp collisions at s=1.96TeV, collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. The relative branching fractions are measured to be B(b 0c+-)B(b 0c+-)=16.63.0(stat) 1.0(syst)+2.6-3.4(PDG) 0.3(EBR), B(B0D+-) B(B0D+-)=9.91.0(stat) 0.6(syst)0.4(PDG) 0.5(EBR), and B(B0D*( 2010)+-)B(B0D*( 2010)+-)=16.52.3(stat) 0.6(syst)0.5(PDG) 0.8(EBR). The uncertainties are from statistics (stat), internal systematics (syst), world averages of measurements published by the Particle Data Group or subsidiary measurements in this analysis (PDG), and unmeasured branching fractions estimated from theory (EBR), respectively. This article also presents measurements of the branching fractions of four new b 0 semileptonic decays: b0c( 2595)+-, b0c( 2625)+-, b0c( 2455)0+-, and b 0c(2455)++--, relative to the branching fraction of the b0c+- decay. Finally, the transverse-momentum distribution of b0 baryons produced in pp collisions is measured and found to be significantly different from that of B0 mesons, which results in a modification in the production cross-section ratio b0/B0 with respect to the CDF I measurement. 2009 The American Physical Society.
published proceedings
author list (cited authors)
Aaltonen, T., Adelman, J., Akimoto, T., Albrow, M. G., Alvarez Gonzalez, B., Amerio, S., ... Zucchelli, S.
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complete list of authors
Aaltonen, T||Adelman, J||Akimoto, T||Albrow, MG||Alvarez Gonzalez, B||Amerio, S||Amidei, D||Anastassov, A||Annovi, A||Antos, J||Apollinari, G||Apresyan, A||Arisawa, T||Artikov, A||Ashmanskas, W||Attal, A||Aurisano, A||Azfar, F||Azzurri, P||Badgett, W||Barbaro-Galtieri, A||Barnes, VE||Barnett, BA||Bartsch, V||Bauer, G||Beauchemin, P-H||Bedeschi, F||Beecher, D||Behari, S||Bellettini, G||Bellinger, J||Benjamin, D||Beretvas, A||Beringer, J||Bhatti, A||Binkley, M||Bisello, D||Bizjak, I||Blair, RE||Blocker, C||Blumenfeld, B||Bocci, A||Bodek, A||Boisvert, V||Bolla, G||Bortoletto, D||Boudreau, J||Boveia, A||Brau, B||Bridgeman, A||Brigliadori, L||Bromberg, C||Brubaker, E||Budagov, J||Budd, HS||Budd, S||Burke, S||Burkett, K||Busetto, G||Bussey, P||Buzatu, A||Byrum, KL||Cabrera, S||Calancha, C||Campanelli, M||Campbell, M||Canelli, F||Canepa, A||Carls, B||Carlsmith, D||Carosi, R||Carrillo, S||Carron, S||Casal, B||Casarsa, M||Castro, A||Catastini, P||Cauz, D||Cavaliere, V||Cavalli-Sforza, M||Cerri, A||Cerrito, L||Chang, SH||Chen, YC||Chertok, M||Chiarelli, G||Chlachidze, G||Chlebana, F||Cho, K||Chokheli, D||Chou, JP||Choudalakis, G||Chuang, SH||Chung, K||Chung, WH||Chung, YS||Chwalek, T||Ciobanu, CI||Ciocci, MA||Clark, A||Clark, D||Compostella, G||Convery, ME||Conway, J||Cordelli, M||Cortiana, G||Cox, CA||Cox, DJ||Crescioli, F||Almenar, C Cuenca||Cuevas, J||Culbertson, R||Cully, JC||Dagenhart, D||Datta, M||Davies, T||de Barbaro, P||De Cecco, S||Deisher, A||De Lorenzo, G||Dell'Orso, M||Deluca, C||Demortier, L||Deng, J||Deninno, M||Derwent, PF||di Giovanni, GP||Dionisi, C||Di Ruzza, B||Dittmann, JR||D'Onofrio, M||Donati, S||Dong, P||Donini, J||Dorigo, T||Dube, S||Efron, J||Elagin, A||Erbacher, R||Errede, D||Errede, S||Eusebi, R||Fang, HC||Farrington, S||Fedorko, WT||Feild, RG||Feindt, M||Fernandez, JP||Ferrazza, C||Field, R||Flanagan, G||Forrest, R||Frank, MJ||Franklin, M||Freeman, JC||Furic, I||Gallinaro, M||Galyardt, J||Garberson, F||Garcia, JE||Garfinkel, AF||Genser, K||Gerberich, H||Gerdes, D||Gessler, A||Giagu, S||Giakoumopoulou, V||Giannetti, P||Gibson, K||Gimmell, JL||Ginsburg, CM||Giokaris, N||Giordani, M||Giromini, P||Giunta, M||Giurgiu, G||Glagolev, V||Glenzinski, D||Gold, M||Goldschmidt, N||Golossanov, A||Gomez, G||Gomez-Ceballos, G||Goncharov, M||Gonzalez, O||Gorelov, I||Goshaw, AT||Goulianos, K||Gresele, A||Grinstein, S||Grosso-Pilcher, C||Group, RC||Grundler, U||da Costa, J Guimaraes||Gunay-Unalan, Z||Haber, C||Hahn, K||Hahn, SR||Halkiadakis, E||Han, B-Y||Han, JY||Happacher, F||Hara, K||Hare, D||Hare, M||Harper, S||Harr, RF||Harris, RM||Hartz, M||Hatakeyama, K||Hays, C||Heck, M||Heijboer, A||Heinrich, J||Henderson, C||Herndon, M||Heuser, J||Hewamanage, S||Hidas, D||Hill, CS||Hirschbuehl, D||Hocker, A||Hou, S||Houlden, M||Hsu, S-C||Huffman, BT||Hughes, RE||Husemann, U||Hussein, M||Husemann, U||Huston, J||Incandela, J||Introzzi, G||Iori, M||Ivanov, A||James, E||Jayatilaka, B||Jeon, EJ||Jha, MK||Jindariani, S||Johnson, W||Jones, M||Joo, KK||Jun, SY||Jung, JE||Junk, TR||Kamon, T||Kar, D||Karchin, PE||Kato, Y||Kephart, R||Keung, J||Khotilovich, V||Kilminster, B||Kim, DH||Kim, HS||Kim, HW||Kim, JE||Kim, MJ||Kim, SB||Kim, SH||Kim, YK||Kimura, N||Kirsch, L||Klimenko, S||Knuteson, B||Ko, BR||Kondo, K||Kong, DJ||Konigsberg, J||Korytov, A||Kotwal, AV||Kreps, M||Kroll, J||Krop, D||Krumnack, N||Kruse, M||Krutelyov, V||Kubo, T||Kuhr, T||Kulkarni, NP||Kurata, M||Kusakabe, Y||Kwang, S||Laasanen, AT||Lami, S||Lammel, S||Lancaster, M||Lander, RL||Lannon, K||Lath, A||Latino, G||Lazzizzera, I||LeCompte, T||Lee, E||Lee, HS||Lee, SW||Leone, S||Lewis, JD||Lin, C-S||Linacre, J||Lindgren, M||Lipeles, E||Lister, A||Litvintsev, DO||Liu, C||Liu, T||Lockyer, NS||Loginov, A||Loreti, M||Lovas, L||Lucchesi, D||Luci, C||Lueck, J||Lujan, P||Lukens, P||Lungu, G||Lyons, L||Lys, J||Lysak, R||MacQueen, D||Madrak, R||Maeshima, K||Makhoul, K||Maki, T||Maksimovic, P||Malde, S||Malik, S||Manca, G||Manousakis-Katsikakis, A||Margaroli, F||Marino, C||Marino, CP||Martin, A||Martin, V||Martinez, M||Martinez-Ballarin, R||Maruyama, T||Mastrandrea, P||Masubuchi, T||Mathis, M||Mattson, ME||Mazzanti, P||McFarland, KS||McIntyre, P||McNulty, R||Mehta, A||Mehtala, P||Menzione, A||Merkel, P||Mesropian, C||Miao, T||Miladinovic, N||Miller, R||Mills, C||Milnik, M||Mitra, A||Mitselmakher, G||Miyake, H||Moggi, N||Moon, CS||Moore, R||Morello, MJ||Morlok, J||Movilla Fernandez, P||Mulmenstadt, J||Mukherjee, A||Muller, Th||Mumford, R||Murat, P||Mussini, M||Nachtman, J||Nagai, Y||Nagano, A||Naganoma, J||Nakamura, K||Nakano, I||Napier, A||Necula, V||Nett, J||Neu, C||Neubauer, MS||Neubauer, S||Nielsen, J||Nodulman, L||Norman, M||Norniella, O||Nurse, E||Oakes, L||Oh, SH||Oh, YD||Oksuzian, I||Okusawa, T||Orava, R||Griso, S Pagan||Palencia, E||Papadimitriou, V||Papaikonomou, A||Paramonov, AA||Parks, B||Pashapour, S||Patrick, J||Pauletta, G||Paulini, M||Paus, C||Peiffer, T||Pellett, DE||Penzo, A||Phillips, TJ||Piacentino, G||Pianori, E||Pinera, L||Pitts, K||Plager, 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51 Physical Sciences
5106 Nuclear And Plasma Physics
5107 Particle And High Energy Physics
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