Dispersive and directional electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity of conductive-mineral-bearing samples derived from multifrequency tensor electromagnetic induction measurements uri icon


  • Organic-rich mudrocks, hydrocarbon-bearing conventional formations, and source rocks generally contain pyrite, rutile, graphite, graphitic precursors, and other electrically conductive minerals in the form of veins, laminations, flakes, and grains. Under redox-inactive subsurface conditions, when an external electromagnetic (EM) field is applied to geomaterials containing conductive mineral inclusions, ions in pore-filling brine and charge carriers (electrons and holes) in electrically conductive mineral inclusions migrate, accumulate/deplete, and diffuse around impermeable host-inclusion interfaces. These EM-field-induced phenomena are referred to as perfectly polarized interfacial polarization (PPIP) phenomena, and they alter the effective electrical conductivity [Formula: see text] and effective relative dielectric permittivity [Formula: see text] of geomaterials. In addition, the relaxation process associated with such polarization phenomena and the time required to fully develop and dissipate the EM-field-induced polarization gives rise to frequency dispersion of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] of geomaterials containing conductive mineral inclusions. A laboratory-based EM apparatus, referred to as a whole-core EM induction tool, was used to measure the directional, multifrequency EM response of brine-saturated 4 in diameter (10.16cm diameter), 2ft long (0.61m long), glass-bead packs containing uniformly distributed pyrite and graphite inclusions. We then implemented a semianalytic (SA) EM forward model, referred to as the SA model, to compute the [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] of these conductive-mineral-bearing glass-bead packs. The estimated [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] of conductive-mineral-bearing packs exhibit directional and frequency dispersive characteristics, which can be explained using the theory of PPIP phenomena. Relative variations in [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] due to frequency dispersion were as large as [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], respectively, between the values estimated at 20 and 260kHz. Computed values of [Formula: see text] of conductive-mineral-bearing packs were unusually large in the range of 103106, whereas the corresponding values of [Formula: see text] exhibited strong dependence on volume content, size, and metallic nature of conductive mineral inclusions, brine salinity, and frequency. Furthermore, packs containing uniformly distributed pyrite and graphite inclusions exhibited conductivity and permittivity anisotropy in the range of one to two.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Misra, S., Torres-Verdin, C., Homan, D., & Rasmus, J.

citation count

  • 5

complete list of authors

  • Misra, Siddharth||Torres-Verdin, Carlos||Homan, Dean||Rasmus, John

publication date

  • July 2017