Traditionally, omnidirectional, radio frequency (RF) communication has been made resistant to jamming by the use of a secret key that is shared by the sender and receiver. There are no known methods for achieving jam resistance without that shared key. Unfortunately, wireless communication is now reaching a scale and a level of importance where such secret-key systems are becoming impractical. For example, the civilian side of the global positioning system (GPS) cannot use a shared secret, since that secret would have to be given to all 6.5 billion potential users, and so would no longer be secret. So civilian GPS cannot currently be protected from jamming. But the FAA has stated that the civilian airline industry will transition to using GPS for all navigational aids, even during landings. A terrorist with a simple jamming system could wreak havoc at a major airport. No existing system can solve this problem, and the problem itself has not even been widely discussed. The problem of keyless jam resistance is important. There is a great need for a system that can broadcast messages without any prior secret shared between the sender and receiver. We propose the first system for keyless jam resistance: the BBC algorithm. We describe the encoding, decoding, and broadcast algorithms. We then analyze it for expected resistance to jamming and error rates. We show that BBC can achieve the same level of jam resistance as traditional spread spectrum systems, at just under half the bit rate, and with no shared secret. Furthermore, a hybrid system can achieve the same average bit rate as traditional systems.
name of conference
2007 IEEE SMC Information Assurance and Security Workshop