The Impact of Different Game Types and Sports on College Students Physical Activity and Motivation in Basic Instruction Program Settings uri icon


  • Background: Although Basic Instruction Program (BIP) or Higher Education Physical ActivityProgram (HEPAP) classes within university/colleges are founded on the rationale of providingstudents with opportunities to be physically active, little is known about the physical activity (PA)accrual and/or motivation levels in these classes. Objective: The purpose of the present study wasto investigate college students Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA) and motivationlevels while playing different games types (modified games/MGs, small-sided games/SSGs, andfull-sided games/FSGs) in badminton and soccer classes. In addition, the study examined theextent to which motivation levels predicted students MVPA. Method: Participants were seventy-onecollege students (14 females) from a rural Mid-Atlantic university in the United States (U.S.).Triaxial accelerometers were used to collect MVPA data and the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory(IMI) to measure student motivation. Results: Students in soccer classes had statisticallysignificant more MVPA than those in badminton. Students in soccer and badminton classes hadmost MVPA in FSGs and SSGs, respectively. Although students reported similar scores in the threeIMI subscales when data were aggregated, soccer students reported higher levels of competenceand effort in MGs, whereas badminton students reported higher levels of competence and effort inSSGs. Interest was the only statistically significant predictor of MVPA in MGs whereas perceivedcompetence statistically significantly predicted MVPA in both SSGs and FSGs. Conclusion: PEand sport practitioners should utilize the different game types to find the optimal balance betweenMVPA and student motivation and realize lesson objectives.

published proceedings

  • International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science

author list (cited authors)

  • Song, Y., Harvey, S., Hannon, J., Rambo-Hernandez, K., Jones, E., & Bulger, S.

citation count

  • 0

complete list of authors

  • Song, Yang||Harvey, Stephen||Hannon, James||Rambo-Hernandez, Karen||Jones, Emily||Bulger, Sean

publication date

  • January 2018