Stress and productivity patterns of interrupted, synergistic, and antagonistic office activities. uri icon


  • We describe a controlled experiment, aiming to study productivity and stress effects of email interruptions and activity interactions in the modern office. The measurement set includes multimodal data for n=63 knowledge workers who volunteered for this experiment and were randomly assigned into four groups: (G1/G2) Batch email interruptions with/without exogenous stress. (G3/G4) Continual email interruptions with/without exogenous stress. To provide context, the experiment's email treatments were surrounded by typical office tasks. The captured variables include physiological indicators of stress, measures of report writing quality and keystroke dynamics, as well as psychometric scores and biographic information detailing participants' profiles. Investigations powered by this dataset are expected to lead to personalized recommendations for handling email interruptions and a deeper understanding of synergistic and antagonistic office activities. Given the centrality of email in the modern office, and the importance of office work to people's lives and the economy, the present data have a valuable role to play.

published proceedings

  • Sci Data

altmetric score

  • 46.18

author list (cited authors)

  • Zaman, S., Wesley, A., Silva, D., Buddharaju, P., Akbar, F., Gao, G. e., ... Pavlidis, I.

citation count

  • 8

complete list of authors

  • Zaman, Shaila||Wesley, Amanveer||Silva, Dennis Rodrigo Da Cunha||Buddharaju, Pradeep||Akbar, Fatema||Gao, Ge||Mark, Gloria||Gutierrez-Osuna, Ricardo||Pavlidis, Ioannis

publication date

  • January 2019