Graphene FETs for Zero-Bias Linear Resistive FET Mixers
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In this letter, we present the first graphene FET operation for zero-bias resistive FET mixers, utilizing modulation of graphene channel resistance rather than ambipolar mixer operations, up to 20 GHz. The graphene FETs with a gate length of 0.25 m have an extrinsic cutoff frequency fT of 40 GHz and a maximum oscillation frequency fMAX of 37 GHz. At 2 GHz, the graphene FETs show a conversion loss of 14 dB with gate-pumped resistive FET mixing, with at least > 10-dB improvement over reported graphene mixers. The input third-order intercept points (IIP3s) of 27 dBm are demonstrated at a local oscillator (LO) power of 2.6 dBm. The excellent linearity demonstrated by graphene FETs at low LO power offers the potential for high-quality linear mixers. 1980-2012 IEEE.