Ovarian follicular recruitment, granulosa cell steroidogenic potential and growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-I relationships in suckled beef cows consuming high lipid diets: effects of graded differences in body condition maintained during the puerperium. uri icon


  • The effects of graded differences in body condition score (BCS) on ovarian follicular development, granulosa cell steroidogenic potential, and growth hormone (GH)-insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) relationships were examined during the puerperium in beef cows fed high fat diets. Cows (n = 36) were allocated randomly about 90 d before expected calving to dietary treatments that resulted in BCS of 3 (very thin), 4 (thin), 6 (optimal) and 8 (obese) at parturition. Body weight and BCS were maintained after parturition by adjusting individual intakes of forage throughout the 17-d experiment, and all cows were fed a high lipid supplement (soybean oil; 0.44 kg/500 kg body weight) during this period. Follicular development in BCS 3 and 4 lagged behind that of BCS 6 and 8 throughout most of the study; however, cows in BCS 4 developed numbers of medium and large follicles by day 15 postpartum that were comparable to those of cows in greater BCS. Mean concentrations of total cholesterol (TCH) and total triglycerides (TG) in serum were greater (P < .05) for cows in BCS 8 vs. 3, 4 and 6 through days 12 (TCH) and 16 (TG) postcalving, respectively. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-CH), progesterone and estradiol-17 beta concentrations in follicular fluid were not affected by BCS at ovariectomy (day 17 postpartum). Addition of insulin and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) to culture media maximized (P < .05) production of progesterone by granulosa cells, but in vivo BCS treatments had no effect. Serum GH concentrations were elevated (P < .05) in cows in BCS 3 and 4 compared to those in BCS 6 and 8 throughout the puerperium. Serum IGF-I tended (P < .10) to increase during the first few days after parturition, and both serum and follicular fluid IGF-I increased (P < .02 and P < .001, respectively) with increasing BCS. Data indicate that cows calving in BCS < 4, and fed such that weight and BCS do not increase, are unlikely to respond to short-term dietary fat supplementation.

published proceedings

  • Domest Anim Endocrinol

author list (cited authors)

  • Ryan, D. P., Spoon, R. A., Griffith, M. K., & Williams, G. L.

citation count

  • 31

complete list of authors

  • Ryan, DP||Spoon, RA||Griffith, MK||Williams, GL

publication date

  • April 1994