On the Electromagnetic Wave Behavior Due to Partial Discharge in Gas Insulated Switchgears: State-of-Art Review
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2013 IEEE. The rapid growth of gas insulated switchgears as a compact, efficient, and reliable device has recently been given great attention. Albeit gas insulated switchgears can seldom suffer from failure due to the high resiliency and robustness, some severe damages have been experienced by such devices particularly in the event of partial discharge. Thus, monitoring such accidents has become a vital part of power systems reliability. The ultra-high frequency techniques have recently shown superior performance in the detection and classification of electromagnetic waves produced by partial discharge. This is mainly due to the great immunity to the noise of the ultra-high frequency detection techniques compared with the very-high-frequency counterparts. This review paper highlights the mathematical aspects of the electromagnetic waves generated by partial discharge. It also delivers an overview of the electromagnetic wave behavior in the complex structure of gas insulated switchgears, and outlines the important characteristics of the internal and external partial discharge detection using ultra-high frequency methods.