Venous Blood Analytes and Osmolality of Rehabilitated Juvenile Black-bellied Whistling Ducks (Dendrocygna autumnalis). uri icon


  • Venous blood samples were collected from 129 apparently healthy, rehabilitated juvenile black-bellied whistling ducks (Dendrocygna autumnalis) immediately before release from rehabilitation. Blood gas, electrolyte, and select biochemical and hematologic values were analyzed by using a point-of-care analyzer, and complete blood cell counts and osmolality were determined. Most biochemical analyte values were distributed parametrically, while most hematologic values were nonparametrically distributed. Calculated osmolality values were in poor agreement with measured osmolality values, and values of packed cell volume had poor agreement with hematocrit values determined with the i-STAT 1. The physiologic values reported provide vital information to assess individual duck health and guide fluid therapy in captivity and may prove useful to assess free-living population health of this duck species.

published proceedings

  • J Avian Med Surg

author list (cited authors)

  • Yaw, T. J., Gentry, J., Ratliff, C., Acierno, M., Schmalz, S., Russell, K. E., & Heatley, J. J.

citation count

  • 2

complete list of authors

  • Yaw, Taylor J||Gentry, Jordan||Ratliff, Cameron||Acierno, Mark||Schmalz, Sharon||Russell, Karen E||Heatley, J Jill

publication date

  • June 2019