Radiographic and ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder in domestic cats (Felis catus domesticus) parasitized by Platynosomum illiciens (Braun, 1901) Kossak, 1910
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Platynosomum illiciens (Braun, 1901) Kossack, 1910, is the most important trematode found in cats. For its diagnosis is necessary to note the presence of eggs in the feces, however, this is not considered very sensitive, requiring the use of other complementary tools that can serve as support in the diagnosis of this infection, and its liver abnormalities Therefore, radiology and ultra sound were used for the evaluation of changes associated with the presence of P. illiciens to aid in the diagnosis of feline liver fluke. Eight cats were positive for this parasite underwent the techniques associated with imaging diagnosis. On radiological examination, five of the animals had en-largement of the liver, one had normal liver and in two of them liver boundaries were not observed with the aid of X-rays. In six animals were observed hepatomegaly on ultrasonography, which was more pronounced in one of the animals. All animals had normal hepatic vessels and bile ducts, but only two animals showed increased this parameter. Furthermore, the presence of the parasite could be demonstrated in an animal that has fallen during echography procedures. Among the results, it can be concluded that the radiological study only served to evaluate the size of the liver in a restricted way. Ultrasonography was considered as a good diagnostic too, assessing clearly the volume, the liver parenchyma, the setting, and the diameter of the bile ducts, gallbladder and liver blood vessels.