Governmental Influences on Organizational Capacity: The Case of Child Welfare Nonprofits uri icon


  • AbstractWhen government agencies interact with nonprofit organizations they have various effects on the organizations capacity. But, it is unclear how a particular agencys environment-both internal (i.e. organizational culture) and external (i.e. resource dependency)-determines whether governments influence on that agency will be positive or negative. Using data from a survey of child welfare nonprofits, this paper examines to what extent a nonprofits relationship with government improves or hinders their capacity. Evidence suggests that the nonprofits organizational culture, dependency on government funds, and relational contracting has a significant impact on the perception that governmental interaction has made capacity better or worse. Contrary to expectations, there are improvements in management activities as government funding and contracts increases.

published proceedings

  • Nonprofit Policy Forum

author list (cited authors)

  • Murphy, H., & Robichau, R. W.

citation count

  • 7

complete list of authors

  • Murphy, Haley||Robichau, Robbie Waters

publication date

  • September 2016