selected publications academic article Dudczyk, P., Dunston, J., & Crosby, G. V. (2024). Blockchain Technology for Global Supply Chain Management: A Survey of Applications, Challenges, Opportunities & Implications (March 2024). IEEE Access. PP(99), 1-1. A. Mahdi, .., J. Qin, .., & G. Crosby. (2020). DeepFeat: A Bottom-Up and Top-Down Saliency Model Based on Deep Features of Convolutional Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. 12(1), 54-63. Alsenani, Y. S., Crosby, G. V., Ahmed, K. R., & Velasco, T. (2020). ProTrust: A Probabilistic Trust Framework for Volunteer Cloud Computing. IEEE Access. 8, 135059-135074. Razouk, W., Crosby, G. V., & Sekkaki, A. (2014). New Security Approach for ZigBee Weaknesses. Procedia Computer Science. 37, 376-381. V. Crosby, G. (2012). Wireless Body Area Networks for Healthcare: A Survey. International Journal of Ad hoc Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing. 3(3), 1-26. Commey, D., Mai, B., Hounsinou, S. G., & Crosby, G. V. Securing Blockchain-Based IoT Systems: A Review. IEEE Access. 12, 98856-98881. chapter Alsenani, Y., Crosby, G. V., Ahmed, K. R., & Velasco, T. (2020). Towards Multi-criteria Volunteer Cloud Service Selection. Cloud Computing CLOUD 2020. (pp. 278-286). Springer Nature. Crosby, G. V., Chin, C. A., Ghosh, T., & Murimi, R. (2015). Wireless Body Area Networks in mHealth. Mobile Health. (pp. 873-915). Springer Nature. conference paper Crosby, G. V., Alaqra, M., Rambo-Hernandez, K., Hernandez, P., de Miranda, M., & Yalvac, B. (2023). The Development of an Instrument to Measure Engineering Faculty's Self-Efficacy and Perceptions of Teaching Laboratory Intensive Online Courses. 1-5. Commey, D., Appiah, B., Frimpong, B. K., Osei, I., Hammond, E., & Crosby, G. V. (2023). EGAN: Evolutional GAN for Ransomware Evasion. 1-9. Porter, J. R., Kane, M., Johnson, M. D., Morgan, J. A., & Crosby, G. V. (2020). Electro-Marine Engineering Technology: A New Focus Area in Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology Crosby, G. (2018). A Comparative Study of Distance Education and Face-to-Face Lab Students Alsenani, Y., Crosby, G. V., Velasco, T., & Alahmadi, A. (2018). ReMot: Reputation and Resource-based Model to Estimate the Reliability of the Host Machines in Volunteer Cloud Environment. 63-70. Alsenani, Y., Crosby, G. V., & Velasco, T. (2018). SaRa: A Stochastic Model to Estimate Reliability of Edge Resources in Volunteer Cloud. 121-124. Spezia, C., & Crosby, G. (2017). BYOE: The Design and Operation of an Electric Motors Simulator Crosby, G., & Cunningham, M. (2017). BYOE: Utilizing the EET Communication Simulator Crosby, G., Cunningham, M., & Bowlyn, K. (2017). The EET Communication Simulator Chandramouli, J. M., Ramos, J., Srinivasan, L., Suresh, P., Kannan, P., Crosby, G., & Watkins, L. (2017). Using Network Traffic to Infer Compromised Neighbors in Wireless Sensor Nodes. 1022-1023. Varadarajan, P., & Crosby, G. V. (2014). Implementing IPsec in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5. Watkins, L., Crosby, G. V., & Sharmin, A. (2014). Using Network Traffic to Infer Power Levels in Wireless Sensor Nodes. 1-7. Crosby, G. V., & Vafa, F. (2013). Wireless Sensor Networks and LTE-A Network Convergence. 731-734. Chin, C., Sharma, L., & Crosby, G. (2013). Evaluation of the Effect of Wireshark-based Laboratories on Increasing Student Understanding of Learning Outcomes in a Data Communications Course. 23.554.1-23.554.13. Dunston, J., & Crosby, G. (2013). Face-to-Face versus Online Delivery of a Graduate Course in Quality Assurance. 23.586.1-23.586.9. Chin, C., & Crosby, G. (2012). Evaluation of Cooperative Learning Assignments as a Supplement to Homework to Improve Student Learning. 25.589.1-25.589.8. Chin, C. A., Crosby, G. V., Ghosh, T., & Murimi, R. (2012). Advances and Challenges of Wireless Body Area Networks for Healthcare Applications. 99-103. Crosby, G. V., & Pissinou, N. (2007). Cluster-based reputation and trust for wireless sensor networks. 604-608. Crosby, G. V., & Pissinou, N. (2007). Evolution of Cooperation in Multi-Class Wireless Sensor Networks. 489-495. Gadze, J., Pissinou, N., Makki, K., & Crosby, G. (2007). On optimal slot allocation for reservation TDMA MAC protocol in shadow fading environment. 762-766. Crosby, G. V., Pissinou, N., & Gadze, J. (2006). A framework for trust-based cluster head election in wireless sensor networks. 13-+. Gadze, J., Pissinou, N., Makki, K., & Crosby, G. (2004). On Optimal Slot Allocation for Reservation TDMA MAC Protocol in Shadow Fading Environment. 809-813. Wunnava, S. V., Crosby, G. V., & Kapasi, A. (2001). Adaptive network modeling scheme. 109-113. Crosby, G. V., Pissinou, N., & Gadze, J. (1991). A framework for trust-based cluster head election in wireless sensor networks. 1-10. Crosby, G., & Dunston, J. The Development and Delivery of an Online Graduate Course: Lessons Learned and Future Direction. 23.1183.1-23.1183.11.
teaching activities ENGR385 Prob For Coop Students Instructor ENTC489 Sptp: Engineering Design & Pro Instructor ENTC489 Sptp: Engr. Des. & Pr. B. Lrng Instructor ENTC684 Professional Internship Instructor ENTC689 Sptp: Applied Cryptography & N Instructor ENTC691 Research Instructor ENTC692 Professional Study Instructor ESET269 Embedded Sys Dev In C Instructor ESET419 Engr Tech Capstone I Instructor ESET491 Research Instructor ITDE684 Professional Internship Instructor ITDE691 Research Instructor MMET491 Hnr-research Instructor MXET491 Research Instructor MXET684 Professional Internship Instructor MXET685 Directed Studies Instructor MXET691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Ledgard, Christian McLane (2023-08). Hardware-Based Implementations of the RSA Algorithm and Their Potential use in Providing Data Security in Cyber-Physical Systems.
education and training M.S. in Computer Engineering, Florida International University - (Miami, Florida, United States) Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Florida International University - (Miami, Florida, United States) 2007