2-D native-PAGE/SDS-PAGE visualization of an oligomer's subunits: application to the analysis of IgG.
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A 2-D native-PAGE/SDS-PAGE method for detecting the subunit components of protein oligomers at low picomole sensitivity is presented. IgG was electrophoresed in a native acidic polyacrylamide gel in amounts ranging from 51 pmol to 60 fmol. Silver-staining (native fast silver stain, ammoniacal silver stain, permanganate silver stain), Coomassie-staining (R-250, G-250), metal ion-reverse-staining (zinc, copper), and fluorescent chromophore-staining (SYPRO Ruby) methods were used to visualize the IgG oligomers. The protein zones were then excised, separated by SDS-PAGE, and subunits visualized with a permanganate silver stain. The Coomassie R-250/permanganate silver-staining combination detected IgG subunits using 2 pmol of sample. Coomassie G-250 and native fast silver staining in the first-dimensional gel produced detectable subunits in the second-dimensional separation at 3 and 13 pmol, respectively. Staining with silver (ammoniacal, permanganate), copper, zinc, or SYPRO Ruby in the first-dimensional gel did not produce discernible subunits in the second-dimensional gels due to protein streaking or protein immobilization in the native gel. When using a 2-D native-PAGE/SDS-PAGE system, Coomassie staining of the first-dimensional native gel combined with permanganate silver staining of the second-dimensional denaturing gel provides the most sensitive method (2-3 pmol) for visualizing constituent subunits from their oligomeric assemblies.