Radar chart tool for evaluating the performance of pavement rehabilitation treatments
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CSCE-CRC International Construction Specialty Conference 2017 - Held as Part of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference and General Meeting 2017.All rights reserved. The transportation network of the United States has reached a mature state where maintenance and rehabilitation have become more important than new construction activities. Hence, highway agencies are directing their available funds more towards maintenance and rehabilitation rather than expanding the existing network. Agencies are required and sometimes federally mandated to make maintenance and rehabilitation decisions based on sound performance measures. This study uses case studies to evaluate the performance of three major rehabilitation treatments including hot mix asphalt (HMA) resurfacing, HMA resurfacing with cold-in-place recycling, and HMA resurfacing with milling by using one state highway agency's historical pavement condition data and rehabilitation records. First, heterogeneous databases are merged in spatial environment to create one integrated master database. Second, 8 case studies are conducted to evaluate the pavement performance at each distress level by using radar charts. The radar charts effectively visualize the pavement performance at the distress level before and after treatment application. Visualization of the multiple performance indicators is more effective than using one single condition index. The proposed approach for evaluating pavement performance is expected to help agencies and practitioners evaluate and visualize the performance of their assets by using multiple performance indicators.
6th CSCE-CRC International Construction Specialty Conference 2017 - Held as Part of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference and General Meeting 2017