A site-specific CFD study of passing ship effects on multiple moored ships
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2019 Techno-Press. Ltd. A local-analytic-based Navier-Stokes solver has been employed in conjunction with a compound ocean structure motion analysis program for time-domain simulation of passing ship effects induced by multiple post-Panamax class ships in the exact condition of a real waterway. The exact seabed bathymetry was reproduced to the utmost precision attainable using the NOAA geophysical database for Virginia Beach, NOAA nautical charts for Hampton Roads and Norfolk harbor, and echo sounding data for the navigation channel and waterfront facilities. A parametric study consists of 112 simulation cases with various combinations of ship lanes, ship speeds, ship heading (inbound or outbound), channel depths, drift angles, and passing ship coupling (in head-on or overtaking encounters) were carried out for two waterfront facilities at NAVSTA Norfolk and Craney Island Fuel Terminal. The present paper provides detailed parametric study results at both locations to investigate the site-specific passing ship effects on the motion responses of ships moored at nearby piers.