The US Potato Genebank: Acquisition, Classification, Preservation, Evaluation and Distribution of Potato (Solanum) Germplasm Grant uri icon


  • In the last decades, potato psyllids have increased their geographical range in the US and have been responsible fo the transmission ofdevastating bacterial plant pathogens 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' (Lso) which cause diseases such as potato Zebra Chip, a disease threatening potato production in the North America. Current control methods rely heavily on the use of chemical insecticides to reduce psyllid populations. This approach is not sustainable and in resulting in the selection of resistant insect populations. A desirable approach is the identification of host genetic resistance against the vecotr and/or the pathogen. The purpose of this project is toevaluate germplams to identify holst plant resistances against potato psyllids and/or Lso. The results of theproposed experiments will lead to a better understanding of psyllid interactions with the host plants, which in turn can lead to improved crop protection strategies. Expected outcomes are the identification of interesing germplasm to incorporate to breeding programs and a change in the strategy to control Lso diseases.

date/time interval

  • 2019 - 2020