Author Correction: Applications and efficiencies of the first cat 63K DNA array. uri icon


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published proceedings

  • Sci Rep

author list (cited authors)

  • Gandolfi, B., Alhaddad, H., Abdi, M., Bach, L. H., Creighton, E. K., Davis, B. W., ... Lyons, L. A.

citation count

  • 0

complete list of authors

  • Gandolfi, Barbara||Alhaddad, Hasan||Abdi, Mona||Bach, Leslie H||Creighton, Erica K||Davis, Brian W||Decker, Jared E||Dodman, Nicholas H||Ginns, Edward I||Grahn, Jennifer C||Grahn, Robert A||Haase, Bianca||Haggstrom, Jens||Hamilton, Michael J||Helps, Christopher R||Kurushima, Jennifer D||Lohi, Hannes||Longeri, Maria||Malik, Richard||Meurs, Kathryn M||Montague, Michael J||Mullikin, James C||Murphy, William J||Nilson, Sara M||Pedersen, Niels C||Peterson, Carlyn B||Rusbridge, Clare||Saif, Rashid||Shelton, G Diane||Warren, Wesley C||Wasim, Muhammad||Lyons, Leslie A

publication date

  • March 2019