Coded Prefetching and Efficient Delivery in Decentralized Caching Systems
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2017 IEEE. Decentralized coded caching is applicable in scenarios where the server does not have enough knowledge about the entire cache network to perform centralized coordination during prefetching, such as when the server is uninformed of the number of active users and their identities in a wireless or mobile environment. Most of known decentralized strategies use random uncoded prefetching followed by coded delivery, which is partly motivated by the simplicity but also partly motivated by the existing centralized coding strategy which has such properties. Recent results have shown that in the centralized setting, coded prefetching can provide performance improvement in some cases when the numbers of files is less than the number of users, and particularly, non-binary codes can be beneficial. This naturally raises the questions whether the corresponding decentralized counterpart using non-binary codes can also provide improvement, and what is the necessary overhead to accomplish such decentralization. In this work we propose a decentralized coded prefetching strategy where both prefetching and delivery are coded. The proposed strategy indeed outperforms the existing decentralized uncoded caching strategy in regimes of small cache size M when the numbers of files is less than the number of users. Methods to manage the coding overhead are further suggested.
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2017 IEEE 18th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC)