Multiscale modeling of impact on heterogeneous viscoelastic solids containing evolving microcracks
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Multiscale computational techniques play a major role in solving problems related to viscoelastic composites due to the complexities inherent to these materials. In this paper, a numerical procedure for multiscale modeling of impact on heterogeneous viscoelastic solids containing evolving microcracks is proposed in which the (global scale) homogenized viscoelastic incremental constitutive equations have the same form as the local-scale viscoelastic incremental constitutive equations, but the homogenized tangent constitutive tensor and the homogenized incremental history-dependent stress tensor at the global scale depend on the amount of damage accumulated at the local scale. Furthermore, the developed technique allows the computation of the full anisotropic incremental constitutive tensor of viscoelastic solids containing evolving cracks (and other kinds of heterogeneities) by solving the micromechanical problem only once at each material point and each time step. The procedure is basically developed by relating the local-scale displacement field to the global-scale strain tensor and using first-order homogenization techniques. The finite element formulation is developed and some example problems are presented in order to verify the approach and demonstrate the model capabilities. Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.