Asset Management Assessment Model for State Departments of Transportation uri icon


  • Transportation asset management (AM) research has yielded a well-accepted AM framework for state departments of transportation (DOTs) to model. However, no studies have developed a model to measure the level of AM implementation for a benchmarking purpose. This is accomplished through the deliverable of this study: the AM Assessment Model [(AM)2]. The model was developed through the identification of the most critical indicators that point to successful practices for an ideal AM system. These indicators are weighted according to their level of importance using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). While identifying the indicators, a new indicator, AM Culture, was identified and recognized as significant by some of the leading AM experts in the United States. The (AM)2 can be used as a quick diagnostic tool for agencies to determine where they stand in regard to AM practice, and it can assist them in determining how to focus their resources to improve AM within their agencies. 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Management in Engineering

author list (cited authors)

  • Cooksey, S. R., Jeong, D., & Chae, M. J.

citation count

  • 16

complete list of authors

  • Cooksey, Steven R||Jeong, David Hyung Seok||Chae, Myung Jin

publication date

  • July 2011