A familial peripheral neuropathy and glomerulopathy in Gelbvieh calves. uri icon


  • Nine Gelbvieh calves originating in four herds and clinically presenting with rear limb ataxia/paresis had histopathologically confirmed peripheral neuropathy and a proliferative glomerulopathy. Degenerative lesions were severe in peripheral nerves, dorsal and ventral spinal nerve roots, and less marked in dorsal fasciculi of the spinal cord. Cell bodies of spinal ganglia were minimally diseased; ventral horn neurons occasionally had central chromatolysis and nuclear displacement. Glomerular lesions ranged from mild mesangial hypercellularity to glomerulosclerosis. Pedigree analysis of affected animals from one herd indicated a strong familial relationship and probable hereditary basis for the syndrome.

published proceedings

  • Vet Pathol

author list (cited authors)

  • Panciera, R. J., Washburn, K. E., Streeter, R. N., & Kirkpatrick, J. G.

citation count

  • 11

complete list of authors

  • Panciera, RJ||Washburn, KE||Streeter, RN||Kirkpatrick, JG

publication date

  • January 2003